Live report from Trump’s physicians. Lots of questions about oxygen. Clarification: doctors said he is not currently on oxygen, a lot of back and forth as to whether he ever was. Doctors said he was not on oxygen thursday, not on oxygen Friday while in their care, not on oxygen today. To me, left it open for speculation about Friday before he got to da choppa
You can't complain about dRumPf nepotism in the White House and then turn around and claim Hunter Biden is a non issue, without looking like a hypocrite at least. "The shady dealings using their daddy's name as currency" is exactly what Im talking about. I mean it is a family run international company mainly built around Donald as the brand. What exactly do you expect? Throw shady in as a descriptor with as a soft accusation. There is a huge difference between a family business in the private sector that runs around the patriarch and political nepotism and protectionism in the political class. If Donald's treatment of his family while in office offends you you should be equally offended by the mechanisms legally that the political class (like Mitch McConnells wife's connections, or Pelosi's and DiFi's husbands) that enrich themselves to hundreds of millions, to billions of dollars. If they do get caught doing something illegal? Mainly slaps on the wrist. Hunter is low hanging fruit. Carlin was a bomb thrower that lobbed at anything he saw as hypocritical. We truly miss his perspective these days. He most assuredly would have hated Trump but would also probably have gotten himself cancelled by now railing against the left's complete perversion of language and cancel culture with anyone who dare question its orthodoxy.
I'm getting tired of the constant use of false equivalency of tRump supporters to defend drunk with the "both sides" nonsense. On one hand you have a forest fire of incompetence and corruption and nepotism and criminality and the other you have Joe Biden whose son isn't a perfect fucking angel but a son who Republican Senators vindicated. So of course they are both bad and everyone who can tell the difference between a forest fire and a candle is a hypocrite. But like all attacks from the right, it is just projection of their own crimes. It's nice to know that Republicans can't handle one tenth the shit that they have thrown at the Democrats. Idiots screaming from rooftops about Buttery Males melting like delicate snowflakes the moment they get criticism, pathetic.
You sure fucking can. They are not at all the same scale. That's like saying the person who tried pot once in high school is the same kind of drug user as someone who regularly smokes crack.
I can't find it but I feel like the Democrats asked for a change to allow for voting during quarantine/isolation and it was shut down by Moscow Mitch. Does anyone have a source for this information? Because I haven't been able to find it.
Trump's doctor has given a timeline that puts Trump's diagnosis at Wednesday morning, meaning he attended public events knowing he was infected.
Right, Diane Feinstein's husband's companies getting sweet heart contracts from the government that run into the billion(s) are totally cool, totally just a candle, totally not the same plutocracy activities they cry about and project on the right. Wish I had some of that crack you guys are smoking. WhatAboutisms are how we operate as a society it cuts both ways. The left is just as knee deep in shit but escape criticism because one, the vast majority of the media runs coverage for them, and two, have historically cloaked themselves in populism which is an easier cover against public criticism. The same level of graft but instead of using business sector cronies, historically, they use unions. Unions just trying to get a fair shake for the little man dontcha know! You raise this point? "Well what about tRUMP?!?!" Again Hunter is front and center because his dad was the 2nd most powerful person on earth who's running to become the number 1.
I agree that all political parties are corrupt. Period. But you made a specific comparison about Hunter vs Trump's kids... and that's slingshot to WMD comparison. Now you're changing it to include Feinstein... which has nothing to do with Biden.
I think we can all agree that this outbreak is a clear punishment from God for trying to fill RGB's seat before inauguration day.
The President of the United States, according to his own doctor giving the timeline of his treatments, knowingly went on the campaign trail while infected with Covid. It isn't a stretch to say the reason he arrived late to the debates and couldn't be tested and instead still got to participate was because his team was well aware he would probably pop as positive and they didn't want to have to cancel the debate and make him look weak. I'm sorry, but anything you have to say right now about, "the other side" or how people should be reacting to Trump, just shut the fuck up.
Man, I wish George Carlin and Hunter S. Thompson were alive today to weigh in on all this stuff. If Thompson thought Nixon was a wild ride, that's nothing compared to Trump.
Andy Biggs, GOP lawmaker, agrees!|twterm^1312027234295840770|twgr^share_3
Anonymous source says Trump was given oxygen at WH on Friday, as suspected from the way the doctors were dancing around the questions.
Meh, go figure. Old fat guy is sick... has problems catching his breath... why wouldn't you give him O2? I don't see how this is a big deal. The mere fact he tested positive and was moved to the hospital is more telling to me.
It’s not really a big deal, just adding on to the press conference info, since the majority of questions were “you keep saying the President is not on oxygen NOW...”
To me, the fact that he's downing multiple different vaccines is a scarier thing. I could potentially see trying one that looks very promising... but to be taking 2 different ones, that probably haven't been tested together, to see what the contraindications might be? That, to me, sounds like desperation... "oh shit... this isn't working, let's try this one instead..."
Or they’re just throwing out any news they want, when really they’re working at the Command Suite in Walter Reed to get the actor who’s gonna take over up to speed. It’s like Dave, but real life!
My point with DiFi is the left plays its own deflect/minimalize/project whataboutism games as well because the topic was brought up. With huge issues not just relatively smalls ones. Hunter is a fuck up whose obviously benefitted from his dad's position. He's used the same mechanizations of power you accuse Trump's kids of using. The scope of which shouldnt really matter in the us (the people) vs them (the political class) mess we are in. We'll disagree about the parity between Hunter and the Trumps. I dont see how we get ourselves out of this mess if the debate is going to be this circular game until the end of time. Tribalism is in our nature. If they were just going to replace him with an actor it would have been much easier to keep him in the bowels of the White House hospital like they did in Dave then fly him to a nearby hospital and make the switch there. Unless the masked Trump we saw leaving yesterday was already the actor and the real tRump is actually incapacitated in the White House hospital!