If you idiots haven't clued into the fact that the role of Donald Trump has been expertly played by character actor Margo Martindale since late 2019, I don't know what to tell you.
There’s always been two Trumps. One went on the helicopter to the hospital, but in two days he’ll appear in the Rose Garden, healthy and victorious. The Real Transported Trump, like in The Prestige. That’s why Melania looks so sad, she doesn’t know which Trump she’s with half the time.
One is in love with her, the other is in love with Ivanka. When the Ivanka-Trump tells Melania he loves her, she responds "Not today."
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...er-reed-feeling-much-better-covid/3613162001/ They must have pumped him full of water they gave Joe Biden for the debate. Im still suspicious this is just a crisis actor. Not the right shade of orange. That or he's been propped up long enough for the video with the virus and the drug cocktails have leaving him with a deathly prison pallor.
To add to this, the anonymous source was Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who maybe is employing the “quit by getting fired” strategy? Also in this article - communication at the Trump WH is a shitshow. Bombshell! https://nymag.com/intelligencer/202...ds-covid-19-and-lies-about-trumps-health.html
Christie is obese so we'll see. He checked himself into a hospital as a precaution when he tested positive.
I'm not one for conspiracy theories but I'm not convinced that's him. Mannerisms don't look right, not enough hand talking. Didn't call it the Chinese virus.
That was weird - there is a moment in that video where he talked about bipartisan messages where he almost showed a little hint of humility.
No shit. It's almost like he realizes shit's gotten real and he may have had a bit of a come-to-Jesus moment...
It looks like the video was edited at 1.08 where he was about to cough. Also wearing the same suit he was filmed heading to Walter Reed in... makes me think they filmed that immediately upon arrival before symptoms worsened.
They put out photos with exif data that shows it was today, but it also shows they are staging them. Source link.
I noticed that too, and it seems kinda wonky. Like maybe he did and someone did a shitty job editing the video.
Come on, everybody doodles their signature on a blank piece of paper at some point in their lives. I mean, I did it in seventh grade, but still...
We are being straight fucking lied to about what’s going on with Trump. The amount of actual medications he’s on right now according to the doctors is alarming. That latest steroid indicates a much more serious illness and the doctor today kinda sorta suggested Trump may have had O2 sats in the 80’s at some point. That’s a crazy low percentage. Medical staff start panicking when a patient drops into the mid 90’s.
I think they’re trying to put on a good face but agree that shit is worse than they are telling us. It’ll probably come out that it was for our own good, and they didn’t want to start a panic. Meanwhile the photos and videos of him are looking heavily staged when you look at the content (scribbling his name on a blank sheet with a sharpie) and the EXIF data that shows his working at a desk and video statement were taken minutes apart. Never mind the editing of that video to remove coughing. Go figure... most people don’t believe him or his people.