Mommy's new job at this point won't matter. Can you imagine your political ambitions resulting in giving your child COVID? And it being part of the fucking theater?
The insane irresponsibility of telling the public that a disease that has killed 200K people is a piece of cake to deal with aside, dude is definitely feeling the steroids right now.
also he’s like 2 days into something that takes about 10-14 to know for sure if you’re out of the woods. This might well be one of those cases of celebrating too early
I've already seen some rationalize the move on social media. Saw a guy say, replying to someone wondering why Trump didn't quarantine, that real leaders don't follow rules, they're allowed to make decisions we're not, based on information we'll never have, blah blah blah... People have been doing stupid shit this whole pandemic. I don't think what he does will make it one damn bit worse.
Not only that, the president gets treatment that the general public (and his dumbass base especially) won't be getting for another 6 months, at least. Even if they can, good luck getting their insurance to cover it.
Trump's doc suddenly got super HIPAA-y when asked about what Trump's lung scans showed, despite being super forthcoming with the rosier stats a minute earlier.
Weird. I guess it’s possible Trump has another illness/condition that’s not directly related to the Covid diagnosis that he either did not give consent to disclose or was unwilling to have disclosed. He could have given full consent to allow the doctors to talk about his condition, but it’s also possible he also could have revoked that consent. Who knows.
He has lung damage that he won't allow them to reveal. That doesn't support his don't worry about catching it bullshit.
I don't know how to embed a tweet here but there's this: A timeline of Herman Caine dying, 30 days after testing positive and after he was feeling better.
That’s what most people think. That’s his policy, basically: tell them what I want them to hear, and then nothing else.