The latest comms from the White House are “now that Trump has COVID, he’ll be able to fight it so much better than Biden, who’s never had it.”
What are the odds that the entire staff at the White House takes a sick day tomorrow? Can they even do that?
When, not if. The most likely scenario is still that he survives, albeit a bit worse for wear. The question is how long until he can get back up to full strength (if ever) and go out in public again? Can you imagine the existential nightmare of being so toxic that you feel like you can't trust your own doctor's medical advice? Put yourself in Trump's mind: He'll go to the WH today or tomorrow, essentially forcing his way there against medical objection. Medical advice is probably going to be: quarantine. Bed rest. Advanced monitoring for 2 weeks, minimum. If he does that, he is out of the campaign, and this election is lost. So, he has to rely on Pence? No fucking way can he trust that guy. Pence was the insurance that he was crazier and less desirable than Trump was: he's a deterrent not an ally. Also, if he loses, Pence is better off. He can run for POTUS on his own in 2024, or grab a Senate seat. His kids? Kushner? His Cabinet? None of them are remotely qualified or capable: they owe their position to Trump, not the other way around. They can't be trusted to keep the campaign moving. The campaign is everything, because without another win the whole shit show can unravel. The debt, the lies, the fraud, all of it will get exposed if he doesn't win. The opposition can't wait to tear him apart, he's made them so fucking angry, and they're all haters, celebrating his illness. If he can't get back to the campaign, his empire collapses. If he doesn't play this illness right, where he was in control the whole time (no weakness, nothing weak about it), the aura of invincibility bursts, and people realize they've been conned and this charade is over. Not to mention the distant but real fear that the medical staff around him let him die because they hate him so much, or they've lost family to the virus or they feel disrespected for how he handled it. He doesn't trust doctors not to kill him. He's long had a phobia of being poisoned and is a germaphobe. You think his paranoia isn't ramped up right now, when he's on experimental drugs, too sick to take care of himself, and is depending on whatever oath or loyalty these people swore, knowing full well two of 3 Americans don't support him (and it's closer to 4 out of 5 when it comes to folks with professional degrees like the ones you'd need to work at Walter Reed)? He's going to grasp at straws on how to spin this, and the politicos I know kind of all say the same thing: -the sicker he looks, the worse it will be (think how shitty Nixon looked compared to JFK) -if people find out he knowingly spread it, it's over. That's straight up sociopath shit, and if you knowingly spread AIDS, you'd go to jail. Hint: AIDS: Deaths per 100,000 population: 1.7, vs. COVID: 63, per the CDC. -the more of his Cabinet, his staff, the Secret Service, the politicians in his orbit, and the talking heads that get it, the worse it will be. These are the people who have talked the most shit, and when it came for them, their tune changes. -the first death that he causes, this shit is over. Some Secret Service agent or Kelly Anne Conway family member that goes down, directly attributed to him? Ballgame. -if he doesn't backtrack some of the lies, (hoax, etc.), it'll feel straight up idiotic. He doesn't believe in a virus that nearly killed him, and wiped out 200,000 people? He minimizes it after we all watched him look like he was filmed in grayscale? -if he goes to do rallies, any one who allows him to is politically suicidal. I would be scared shitless if I was the mayor of Charlotte or Jacksonville right now, because you're going to have to tell this desperate idiot "no", and pray he doesn't find someone in your office/state to say "yes".
He looks like fucking shit. Lol gasping for air like a fish after ripping his mask off like a big strong boy.
Just saw a Trump ad which claimed he would eradicate the Coronavirus. Everything he has done has assured the spread of it save the early shut down of travel from China. It's more likely the virus eradicates him at this point.
Is this guy making an appearance before the election? Spoiler A few hours ago you guys thought he was faking it and now his lungs are going to pop like a couple of old car tires? This thread has been such a rollercoaster ride. Leave President HealthyBoi alone pls. In all seriousness, he looks like fucking shit. Quote of the day: “I don’t know, maybe I’m immune?”
Who? Who in this thread said he was faking it? In other news, Claudia Conways is posting that he's doing worse than the White House is trying to portray. Imagine trying to shut her up? Send some shady G-Men to her house and threaten to kill her parents if she keeps talking, only for her response to be "would you? please?"
Oh, I stand corrected. I misread the posts about the staging of the photos and I’m conflating shit I read on Reddit with here. It’s been a long few days/weeks/months/years. Also, Claudia Conway’s Twitter is quite a read. That household sounds like a train wreck.
I had some tinfoil hat theories when he first got sick. But because the White House ended up turning into a leper colony, none of my thoughts came true. I wonder where the smart money is on when/if he gets rushed back to the hospital.
Trump campaign is literally writing letters to election officials instructing them to ignore court orders: First time I've seen the video of Trump back at the White House. He can barely breathe. Dude is fucked. Up.