Lol maybe invest your time into some less-weird shit (kidding). Anyway don’t Biden and Trump have the same position on it, albeit for different reasons? Apparently Trump's Twitter account got locked yesterday. I had no idea. (Must have been a pretty short period of time as I never noticed).
So Trump has decided that all stimulus talks are off the table until after the election. I think he's doing this because he believes he's going to lose the election. Ram another lifetime appointment through, then hand a ticking economic bomb to a potential Democratic supermajority. They'll spend most of the next two years trying to fix this shit while this virus keeps killing people. Just in time for Republicans, stirred up by Trump's near constant tweets of how terrible things are because of how shitty of a job he did, bamboozle a bunch of dummies enroute to a midterm victory. There will be more Republican ratfuckery and America will turn into a corporately funded theocracy, assuming that it hasn't all been washed away by rising ocean levels. Sometimes I wonder if this bullshit is by design or accident. It would be worse if it was by accident.
I mean when you put it like that he sounds like a megalomaniacal godfather pimp jesus. I thought he was just some dotard who couldnt find his way out of a KFC bucket?
I just realized how truly disgusting that sounds. Google says a bucket of KFC is 16 pieces and almost 4000 calories, with 231 grams of fat. Even if the dude eats, let's say a third of that, which I wouldn't put past him.... holy crap!
Yeah, that's what I don't get. If I had to guess, I'd say McConnell is pushing this because he wants is to pack the courts with as many lifetime appointments as possible. I think all McConnell would have to do is tell Trump how strong he'd look by giving the finger to Democrats for the next 30 years.
From the world of “how can the dumb get any dumber?”: Pence doesn’t want a plexiglass divider between him and Harris tomorrow, because TOUGH MEN NOT GET COVID... I guess? Debate commission said ok cool, Harris and the moderator are gonna have plexiglass around them instead. Also wouldn’t surprise me if one or both of them wears a mask.
I really hope Harris' first statements out of the gate highlight the precautions being taken because everyone knows that the Trump Administration cannot be trusted and Pence's word is worthless.
I mean Pence was the person named to head up the covid task force. Sounds like a natural line of attack to me.
It turns out the experimental Regeneron drug given to Trump relied on human embryonic stem cells. I'm sure the "pro life" faction will be fine with this as it helped their idol. Bunch of fucking hypocrites that they are.