Their logic, and strategy, from the VERY BEGINNING with that first cruise ship, has been "if you don't test, it doesn't count as positive".
Don’t forget that no one will say when Trump’s last negative test was which means a) he wasn’t being tested regularly b) he tested positive and they didn’t tell anyone and kept doing events and traveling etc. The Trump admin is planning a rally tomorrow at the White House. Masks and social distance encouraged but not required. They already had a super spreader event with those guidelines. Let’s see if they can do it again. And no one on here has even mentioned the chief of staff having a big wedding that broke public health guidelines earlier in the summer. They really don’t give a shit if this virus spreads and kills people.
Yeah, what are the odds Trump makes fun of him for being fat if he dies? I'd say it's pretty good if it happens before the election and Trump is doing rallies.
I personally always enjoy the illustrations of Trump where they put his face on a ripped godlike body. Like, you know you had to give him a different body, right? It’s just constant self owns. I wonder if Christie got the regeneron fetus juice? Interesting yet scary read. The misinformation and eroded trust in media is terrifying..
Its not though. No one magically woke up thinking that, there is an entire and new industry intent on "informing" the electorate, and its doing massive damage on both sides. I get a "fuck you" vote, but it scares me if a "fuck you" vote comes from some outright lie like pizza gate. Intel rule of thumb: it is an exponentially larger effort to refute misinformation. So its a hell of a lot harder to correct a mistake, dispel a rumor or disprove misinformation than it is to send some out in the first place. And this damage can't be undone for this election, or likely the next few. That scares me.
Anyone heard from Chris Christie? the longer this goes without him giving proof of life, the longer I’m thinking he’s gonna end up on the big beach in the sky
I think Juice may be right about my Twitter habits. I don't know why I venture into some of the parts of Twitter I venture into. If you're getting up on your high horse and accusing Noam fucking Chomsky of being a right-wing establishment shill, you just might be terminally retarded.
Chris Cuomo’s weights ARE fake, period. You cannot hammer curl a hundred pounds like that, you just plain don’t. Nobody does. He needs to stop with this humiliating DoucheChill Theatre. He is one step away from throwing on gold chains and a satin track suit to pick fights in Bensonhurst.
wanted to find the raw video before I cast judgment. Video here, plus some other video. Not only is that 100% fake (just look at the way he tosses it around!!), but I'm almost positive he isn't natty. Takes something that's not OTC. On steroids. For the main reason that you simply don't get that jacked, that quickly. It's something that takes years to do achieve, years of a very strict workout and diet regimen.
I think Twitter and Facebook fucked up by blocking the NY Post story, purely on Streisand Effect grounds, but the number of actual elected officials flipping their shit over one of the most transparent political fakes I've ever seen is embarrassing. Nixon didn't die for this.
If you've ever had a doubt about Trump's Narcissistic Personality Disorder (not that that should have ever been in doubt), just keep in mind that at that rally he complained about the news covering catastrophic flooding in Iowa instead of him being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. The rally was in Iowa.