In other news Rudy Giuliani's staff "accidentally" uploaded a video of him on a hot mic/cam doing a caricature of a Chinese person to his own youtube channel. Dude's staff definitely hates him and did it on purpose.
If only Americans knew how much of a fucking dingbat the rest of the world thinks this new SC judge nominee is. “Climate change is contentious”. They’re serious about this dizzy dead-eyed bird, aren’t they? Have fun with that loon for the next half a century.
He’s a senile and sociopathic turd, always has been just like his puppet master. You can’t expect likability to come from a man with the same moral compass as HIV.
Oh a good number know what an religious zealot she is. That's why they want her, they think she'll help overturn Roe V. Wade and the ACA.
Oh we know. We know the idiots we share this country with, who through a wonderful accident of "democracy" get to control our system without actually receiving more votes.
Twitter seems to be trying to prevent the NY Post from sending another story this morning about Hunter Biden. The fact that this entire thing has been proven to be disinformation is one thing, but all they are doing now is giving red meat to the right to claim additional victimhood about big tech censorship of the right. I honestly don’t care how upset Ted Cruz or Don Jr. are about this. If they want to attempt an October surprise to affect the outcome of the election, they should do one on an actual scandal. Something about Jr crying “NEPOTISM” is quite rich.
Based on Hunter Biden's past stuff, like dating his sister-in-law, getting kicked out of his late-in-life stint in the Navy for doing coke, fathering a child with a stripper, drunkenly wrecking a rental car, etc., is it that much of a surprise he'd do something shady to make money in the Ukraine? Like all good dads would do, and any father that's dealt with a kid's drug problem for years, I'm sure Joe tried to help. Doesn't mean he did anything illegal, though.
I can't tell if you'se being serious or not. But how can anyone possibly see this video and take offense at the obvious parody?
Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that the Republicans are pushing the whole Hunter Biden issue, and not the "creepy uncle Joe" aspect? I would think that videos of him smelling women's hair and awkwardly putting his hands on little girls would be more effective than pointing out what a fuckup his son is.
So Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska) was asked on a call basically "why are you mean to Trump?" and he responded with a measured, ten minute, repudiation of Trump. This call was then "leaked" by one of the people on the call. Could not have been clearer that this was scripted by Sasse's team; it was practically a stump speech. Not a good sign for Trump if Republican Senators are fleeing.
They're doing "what-about-ism"... when people have a bitch about the Trump family making over $100 million from the White House due to nepotism, they now have a counterpoint of Hunter.
There is an entire album of pictures of tRump chilling with Epstein, who didn't kill himself, and Maxwell available for when the Republicans want to talk about inappropriate contact with women. The fact that they are going after the child of a candidate is a time honored Republican tradition that dates back to when the Clinton's got a White House dog.