I was talking about this with friends earlier. My expectation is that the Secret Service just quietly plays dumb and obstinate and somehow there's always a reason why Trump can't board a plane that isn't both flown by the Secret Service and has a domestic destination.
Just like all the celebrities that said they'd leave the country if he won in 2016? Did any of them actually leave?
President Biden. If you're asking if Trump could bail before he lives office, legally he could. There might be a quiet coup that blocks it and is never revealed, but legally he could do it.
To their summer homes, I’m sure they did. But leaving would give them less attention than before, and Gal Gadot taught me that CANNOT happen.
According to the internet, the average employer spends between $7k and $20k per employee on insurance. That is part of the compensation package, ie, I am entitled to that in one form or another, right? https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/re...e-cost-of-employer-sponsored-health-insurance What's the issue with saying to said employer, don't bother with insurance, just give me that in cash and I'll buy my own on the marketplace? Assuming the marketplace is cheaper (per CNN, costs are going down), wouldn't that evolve into de facto universal care (plus a salary bump)? https://www.kff.org/health-reform/s...0&sortModel={"colId":"Location","sort":"asc"} I know it's not that simple, but are there circumstances where that's a viable choice? How come this isn't a more popular decision? Also, had I known $20k was the cost for family care, my single, child-free ass would have demanded a pay bump over all those fucking breeders.
Hey so now we're just insinuating the opponent's son is a child pornographer on cable tv? That's the new baseline? https://mobile.twitter.com/atrupar/status/1317849887438966784
From what I've seen it's not cheaper. Even as a small business I end up in a group of small companies to get a better insurance rate four of us runs just shy of 2300/month average 575 each for pretty damn good coverage. As a single on in the market I've seen upwards of 700/month for similar coverage or about the same cost for what amounts to catastrophic care. I'm far from an expert on this but I have looked into doing just what you mentioned, the problem is the coverage that would be similar in cost isn't what I would want, so I continue to pay.
Fox “news” providing cover fire for the dude who’s best friend is one of the world’s most infamous pedophiles. something tells me this is a poor line of attack, especially this close to the election
I think this and next week, we will see desperation from the Trump camp, and further distancing from vulnerable GOP faces. The early reports are that Democrats are returning ballots at over 2:1 over GOP: Https://electproject.github.io/Early-Vote-2020G/index.html This is a record number of people voting already. You're seeing the GOP lagging behind in funding, messaging and momentum. Trump knows this, and will have to do something to change the trajectory. He's been incredibly hard to predict, and I have seen ideas range from military action (shudder), to last-minute massive legislation (think the New Deal, but Republican and rushed). My guess is he comes up with a new bogey man that only he can save us from, so look for conspiracy theories on Covid-20 from China, or a radical socialist agenda perpetrated by math classes, or some shit. If the discussion on his taxes resumes, especially with new info, this shit is over. If I am the Democrats, that's the silver bullet I have been saving for this week: how much the taxpayer has spent at Trump hotels and resorts. I also think we will see Trump leverage his supporters to intimidate folks at the polls, but that will ultimately amount to a bunch of morons with guns watching people vote and being a nuisance. Actual police will enforce voting laws, I don't think there's an appetite for bullshit at the polls. Long way to go to November, and there will be some wild shit happen in the next 2 weeks. I think Trump will get desperate, and that will be palpable, and it will cost some folks their jobs (cough cough Lindsey Graham). If Trump stays on message, he will lose, but some of the GOP will survive. If I had a Twitter account, I would delete that shit right now.
This just happened in Miami. And the cops, well... https://twitter.com/sofiamhidalgo/status/1317936841757200384
I think this kind of thing might explain why there's not an abundance of Biden/Harris signs.... All of those "very fine people"....
I was telling my wife last weekend that every yard you see not flying a trump flag or banner, is a Biden supporter.
Yeah there's been a shit load of that type of thing around here the last few weeks. Some boat rallies but also a lot of pick up trucks flying Trump flags. I don't get it, even the candidate aside, I just don't understand that mentality. It shows how Americans view politics like they do sports anymore I guess. "My team's better than yours, you suck."
That picture looks like the main river that goes through our city this weekend. Hundreds of boats with multiple Trump flags. I guess his ardent base is starting to yell louder and louder as his prospects look dimmer and dimmer. Read an article about how the large majority of mail in votes will be Dem which will take days to fully count but the majority of people showing up to the polls are Rep so there is a good chance that it will look like Trump has a lead on Tue night. As the mail in votes get counted, his lead will disappear and Biden will win. I'm sure that Trump and his supporters will take that smoothly and step aside. *sarcasm*
That's not true for our neighborhood. There are only two Trump signs and one flag on a pontoon. But he'll get the vote of a huge majority of the people around me. I've seen more homemade Biden/Harris stickers on cars than mass produced stickers. I'm talking mailbox letters spelling out Biden/Harris. Biden has the support of about 3% of our neighborhood, based on signage and other clues.
The early votes are about 2-1 democrat as well. There’s a ton of mail in voting obviously, but I’d get the election night numbers won’t be as heavily gop as you think. Texas hasn’t even expanded its absentee program at all. So there’s a good chance we will know who won Texas on election night. If he loses Texas, there is no path to 270 for Trump.
What are you talking about? He's going to WIN BIG! The silent majority is going to come out! And if he doesn't win, IT WAS RIGGED! Anyway, about election rigging: have any of y'all heard about fake ballot boxes being found in predominantly red areas? Anyone think that the Republicans might be doing this, only to "discover" them a couple of weeks after the election and scream "LOOK AT ALL THESE REPUBLICAN VOTES THAT DIDN'T GET COUNTED! FRAUD! THE ELECTION IS INVALID! FOUR MORE YEARS!"?