Let's chill the fuck out. This is America. I am not intimidated by Officer Micropenis sporting a mask that contains the entire list of words he can read. Fuck that guy, and Miami PD should discipline him. But let's not pretend any American seeing that is somehow deterred from voting. He's just an asshole. Apparently, the country's full of them.
That was just plain blatant cheating, rather than intimidation. There was no suggestion or scare tactic, cops with guns commanded people not to vote for the Democrats or they would arrest/kill them. And nothing is more important to Trump than its consent decree expiring so he can cheat at this election as they did before.
To play devil’s advocate for a second: what would a world look like in which Trump wins? Obviously he’d have to take a ton of swing states and a few blue ones, but given what we know about his campaign right now, how would that happen? What would the map look like?
https://www.270towin.com/maps/2W7lP This is his most likely winning map, and it's a tough one. It would require him winning Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, and he's currently trailing in all four. He'd also have to hold in Ohio, Georgia, and Iowa, which are close as well.
The President's lawyer, and a 15yr old girl. Allegedly. https://twitter.com/aravosis/status/1318965242869780481
Apparently it is from the new Borat movie https://www.thestar.com/news/world/...in-hotel-bedroom-scene-in-new-borat-film.html
Hopefully it ruins him regardless. I don’t care HOW it happens, what matters is THAT it happens to that utter piece of shit. He deserves that at least ten times over and he is also the is the ass-end trophy to faux post-9/11 patriotism. He never should have been made a fucking crossing guard, much less the “hero” mayor of NYC.
I don't like Giuliani. But, is there anything that shows he thought she was 15? He's divorced, right? What's the premise? I don't get it. It's not like he was masturbating in front of a bunch of coworkers, while being married, and paying child support to his mistress. Although, he may have done that, just not on camera.
From what I’ve read so far about the scene, he was under the impression that he was being offered a bribe of some sort from a foreign government and that the girl was underage. I will wait to see the movie obviously, but that’s just what I read.
If he knew (or thought he knew) she was underage, then first of all, fuck him. But, second of all, isn't that against the law? Like, didn't they do that on To Catch A Predator? Where a 35 year old FBI agent lured some pedo to a house by claiming she was 14 or whatever? Dude would get arrested, even though the person wasn't actually 14. Maybe I'm remembering wrong. Having it all on film would seem like pretty good evidence to give the cops. As far as the bribe goes . . . what does he have to offer a foreign government that he could be bribed for? If that's true, that should be illegal too, right? Or is that just more K Street style bullshit that the lobbyists get away with?
Since Borat isn’t an actual law enforcement exercise, I’m not sure there is a true legal implication with the whole thing. Is it only entrapment if the op is conducted by law enforcement? Since the girl wasn’t underage, but he thought she was, and he chose to engage with her, maybe it’s just super embarrassing, shameful, and should run him out of public life, but isn’t technically illegal. As far as a potential bribe, I don’t think it’s a real bribe since it’s Borat, but probably serves to show just how susceptible to blackmail these people truly are. He probably advertised access to Trump. Still need to see the whole scene though.
BINGO. In all those "fact finding" trips to Russia/ Ukraine I wonder how many more compromising positions he's put himself in, and how many were photographed for future reference.
The relative comfort Giuliani seems to have felt with just grabbing his cock and going to town with some “15 year old” makes me wonder how much this may havehappened in the past. These guys spent a lot of time with corrupt actors overseas for years.
All the articles I've read say there was no mention of her age until after Borat says that she is 15. From my reading, the woman is flirtatious and invites him into the bedroom. Rudy is single, she is 24 in real life. I don't see what he did wrong. Borat jumps in, says she's 15 and Rudy calls the police. Probably same thing I'd do that in situation.