Giuliani runs a "cyber security firm" and regularly gets duped by the most basic things in tech, like the time he thought Twitter autoparsing a typo he made as a URL was evidence of his account being hacked. You draw your own conclusions about what he's actually being paid for.
A Borat movie? Jesus fuck me running... Politics in this country are beyond fucked up. Whatever horrible thing happens to us next, we deserve it. Everyone hates everyone and wishes death and destruction on them simply because they disagree politically. Fuck everyone with that mindset. The saddest example is the "Security guard" who shot the "Fascist" in Denver. The "Fascist" was a military vet who made old fashioned cowboy hats, the shooter was a young man who was a farmer. In any other world these two would've probably been friends with a common interest, but in this world one family lost a father and a young wife lost her husband and the life they'd planned together. Yay politics! I miss the country we used to be when we all understood that despite our differences we were all on the same team. This bullshit now? Fuck both sides. Enjoy spewing hate at each other and thinking you have the moral high don't. Neither side does. Our country is circling the toilet and we're all to blame. I held out hope that there might be a way to fix this, but anymore, I doubt it. We're pretty much fucked from here on out.
you can thank the last four years for that. trump spent the entirety of his presidency making his base believe that those who aren’t his base are the enemy. And what do you do when you’re attacked? You fight back.
I get that Trump and strategy are like oil and water, but this focus on the 60 Minutes interview, including releasing the entire thing ahead of the debate, is dumb even for him. It's just him whining at a reporter for 40 minutes, and includes things like him saying he hopes SCOTUS ends the ACA. It's free ammo to the Biden campaign on Biden's strongest issue, right ahead of the debate. All because Trump has a grievance about how he was "treated" during an interview? A grievance almost zero Americans really give a shit about? Also has a moment where he needs both hands to raise a glass of water, which isn't a big thing at this point, but it's something 60 Minutes would have edited out just in the normal course of editing an interview, but is now something people are making gifs of and sharing.
When he experiences a narcissistic injury, in his mind at least, he just goes into robot mode and fails to see how dumb a decision can be. In this case, he thinks he’s hurting CBS somehow. It’s the reason he’s literally failed at everything he’s ever done. I can only imagine how much more dangerous he’d be if he were like 5% smarter and didn’t suffer from a lexicon of mental disorders.
He thinks that by airing the interview before Sunday he's hurting their TV ratings. That's it, that's the tweet.
I hope the story on Monday is that the 60 Minutes not only got their best ratings in years but that they got more ratings then the video he released today. Just like how I'm sure that the only reason why he is doing this last debate is because Biden's townhall had more viewers then his townhall.
I don't think that's a real tweet, but then I've always been leery of these "rogue" WH accounts. Figure they're all Steve Bannon alts, playing the loyal opposition.
Man, I am heavily in the category of folks who don't give a fuck about Giuliani's cameo in Borat 2 (FOR FUCK'S SAKES REALLY) or 60 minutes, and especially when it comes to TV ratings. That said, 60 minutes is something that reaches my folks, and they take pretty seriously. This cannot be good, that President Cartman just rage quits an interview. Like...what the fuck? This shit show is starting to get slippery.
Just... wut? Thursday morning, Trump tweeted that “I will soon be giving a first in television history full, unedited preview of the vicious attempted ‘takeout’ interview of me by Lesley Stahl of @60Minutes. Watch her constant interruptions & anger. Compare my full, flowing and 'magnificently brilliant' answers to their ‘Q’s’. "Magnificently brilliant"? Really?
Oh. My. God. He's completely denying saying things we all heard him say. Also, Biden isn't "in the middle of a scandal." trump wants him to be, but he isn't
I mean, he kind of is. The Hunter Biden thing isn’t total nonsense. What remains to be determined is whether the emails on the laptop are legitimate or not. Timing aside, there should be an investigation into it at the very least. If they are bullshit, Biden has nothing to worry about.
The GOP-led senate did an investigation into it and found nothing. I'm dead certain if they did find anything that even remotely smelled like shit, they would have handed it over.