Yes, I’m spite of the fact it takes some convincing down there. But here’s your country’s big chance to vote out an international embarrassment to your nation’s history, instead of letting them stick around and given hero treatment like Strom Thurmond. I mean, Jesus Christ... that fucking guy actually existed.
I’d be curious to see the numbers on people who vote out Trump but vote to keep their GOP senator. In Texas, Trump is polling basically a tied race with Biden, but Cornyn seems to be just a little ahead of Hegar. There could be enough split ticket voters to keep the senate in GOP control which would be better than nothing. But ultimately, if that were the case, Biden’s first(and likely only) term would be pointless.
Obviously I disagree with these people on their Senate vote, but at least it makes sense. They're Republicans but Trump is just the worst so they can't vote him for President. What blows my mind is the flip, people who vote Trump but vote Democratic for Senate. What the fuck exactly are your politics in that case?
Okay, I feel like this is something that need to be addressed after this election. Trump and Co. are (were?) saying "the postal service can't possibly keep up with this amount of ballots, SO IT'S GOING TO LEAD TO FRAUD!" But there is all this fucking junk mail in my mailbox, every day except Sunday. Where am I going with this, you ask? LET'S OUTLAW JUNK MAIL! It stresses the postal service (and costs taxpayer dollars) and really doesn't provide anything good. We already (sort of ) got rid of telemarketers (remember how bad they were in the '90s?), but I think that junk-mail is long overdue for being eliminated on the national level. It's also a much larger environmental burden, what with the paper, and the fuel costs of transporting all of it. Also, Nett, or any moderator who might be reading, feel free to move this to the political thread.
Lisa Murkowski has changed her position on confirming Barrett. The four remaining Americans with any expectation that a Republican would keep their word are shook.
Sort of inline with that, if there was a presidential candidate that ran on the platform of ending spam calls, I'd vote them. 100% single issue voter in that respect. I probably get 2-3 calls a day (counting numbers I've blocked)
I want to know what list Im on to get spam election text for my brother and mother? No Im not either of those two people. Block.
I haven't answered a phone call from a number that wasn't already in my contacts in years (excluding in the brief window after I order food delivery, since that's a fairly safe bet that it's going to be the idiot standing on the opposite side of the street wondering where all the odd numbers are).
If you have an iPhone there's a setting in the phone portion that you can turn on that will send all unknown callers to voicemail automatically. If you've ever called the number, it'll still ring through (so like a doctor's office or something like that) but alllllll the spam? Bye. It's pretty amazing.
I think Android automatically warns of a spam number (the screen lights up red instead of white), and you can set it to just ignore them.
My spam filter is that I have an area code for a place I've never even lived ( from back when family plan numbers were region locked) so if there's a number not from my current area I just ignore it because it is always spam. I have gotten a few political calls from this state lately. Luckily they mostly text and I immediately text STOP back so it closes the loop fast.
I received a spam call from Hunter Biden saying that he'll let me have sloppy seconds on one of his hoes if I vote for his dad. That's all I needed to hear to be on-board.
The real debate questions: Who has the better boats or hoes? Would America rather have sloppy seconds from Biden or Trump? Who would you rather get tequila drunk with: Hunter Biden or Eric Trump?
1) Trump. He owns multiple resorts. 2) On one hand, Jill Biden isn't terrible looking and Melania probably just lays there waiting for the cream pie. So I'd pick Joe Biden as long as its Jill Biden and I don't have to dig up his dead wife or something. 3) Hunter Biden. Eric Trump looks like he drinks Zimas.
Bruh....I'm worried. Also, Melania Trump looks like Jennifer Garner ate too many sour patch kids, or more tragically, if Caitlyn Jenner was trying her best "Magnum".