I don’t know if I could hang out with any guy who’s a foot fetish guy. He seems like the guys I knew in Shanghai who’d go to a bar, get shot down by one girl, and then bitch wanting to just go to the hooker bars.
I am suddenly wondering what these people will do after this. I've heard rumblings about Trumps offspring running for office (STOP LAUGHING! SERIOUSLY! ). But like...where do these people live? Who wants to be neighbors with Alex Jones or Steve Bannon? They are already grossly unwelcome in DC, and I've heard stories of them being asked not to come back to certain restaurants, or they have to make reservations under another name, that kind of shit. They are already persona non grata in NYC. Florida resorts are the last refuge for this sort of trash? Behind some weird closed estate for the rest of your days, to avoid your taco getting pissed on? Also, once the Trump resorts can't funnel government money through there, who the fuck goes there to pay $33 for a cheeseburger? Or has an event there? Can the KKK and the NRA sustain Trump's post-presidential empire? Once there's a return to mundanity, I wonder if these people realize how they will be treated when they travel, grocery shop or try to move somewhere. I know Paul Ryan's "retirement" gig is to sit on the board for Fox News, but those kinds of jobs have to be few and far between, and Ryan could (and will) return to politics on a golden chariot, once Trump is over. I would pay good money to watch some of the Trump klan (sorry/not sorry) interview for jobs after El Tangerino isn't in office anymore. I figure I'd like to drink a beer with Clinton or Bush, smoke a joint with Obama and watch sci-fi, but Trump? You'd have to be on hard core opiates for that to be enjoyable....the drug for Trump is Oxycontin. So, the roundabout answer to that is doing molly with Ivanka, and praying to God she doesn't get so emotional she opens up about her daddy issues. Drinking tequila with Trump's male offspring is kind of unfair, like you keep the retarded kid sober and get so drunk he becomes the smart one, you don't let the one with extra chromosomes get wasted. So shots with Hunter it is, by default. Also, side bet: $100 says within 5 years of Trump dying, Ivanka "writes" a book entitled "Daddy Issues" and it's some sort of redemption story about how she found herself/Jesus/meth/whatever and "healed" from the miserable life her father caused. Lifetime movie starring Tara Reid.
Melania doesn’t seem to like Trump so she might be ok. I’d bet she divorces him within a year of him leaving office. Otherwise I’d prefer any Biden over any Trump.
I've had a few real GOP volunteers text me to help stop DemoncRats from taking over Texas. I'll ask a couple of leading questions to get them fired up and then tell them to gargle goat balls because Trump deserves prison and McConnell deserves whichever of hell they believe in.
https://twitter.com/JudiciaryGOP/status/1320878683423428609 This is the official account of the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee. Forget decorum and grace, forget celebrating what you view as a win for your team, forget even being petty and mean-spirited to someone actually relevant. No, they took the time to try to dunk on Hillary Clinton, who hasn't held elected or appointed office in years. Republicans literally have no platform other than being as shitty as they possibly can be.
Cornyn's people txt me about what a devil woman Hager is. Little do they know the audience they're facing. Though from the looks of McConnell his rottenness is seeping out.
It’s why I can’t take any conservative opinions seriously. It stands for nothing and exists only to troll and hurt people. The last 4 years have accomplished nothing but “owning the libs” and expressing grievance about people in the political minority.
Prominent Democrats are calling to "expand the court." How are Democrats still this stupid? How? Fucking how? This is political messaging 101. No Democrat should ever use the phrase "pack the court" or "expand the court". They should use the phrase "unpack the court" every single time the issue is talked about. How do they so consistently allow Republicans to frame the debate with zero pushback? I half expect them to claim to support "anti-life" judges in their effort to protect abortion rights they're so fucking bad at this.
Can't win them all. Democrats were able to reframe the nonsensical term Global Warming into "Climate Change" and terminating fetuses into "pro choice," so hang in there. Dems will get the next one.
"The average global temperature is rising, thus the planet is getting warmer, so we'll call it 'Global Warming'." "Hey Doc, a bunch of retards are saying shit like 'If it's getting warmer, why is is cold out?'" "Jesus Christ, do they not understand what an average is? That variation still occurs, that local extremes can still occur?" "They don't exactly look like the school-goin type." "Fuck it, call it 'Climate Change' so it doesn't tax their brains too hard."
Might be easier for Democrats to stop making short-sighted rule changes in the Senate that the Republicans will later exploit. Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett would never have been confirmed if the filibuster and majority votes rules weren’t fucked with by Harry Reid. I’m sure packing the court will have the same eventuality. It’s definitely unprofessional and petty, but it’s also funny. The rage on Twitter in reaction to that tweet is truly something special.
Look what I found. When I first saw it, I was like, "Trump, Clinton, what?" Then I realized this thing has not been opened since the morning of February 28, 2016. Kinda cool.
Thats pretty cool. Did that paper go out of business or something? My dad had a tradition of saving the newspaper paper the day after each election and I've carried the mantle on since 2004. He has them all the way back to the 60s.
No, it's still in business. The machine broke, it had duct tape over the coin slot. We're pretty far from Richmond, but I guess that is still the big city paper that gets brought down here to other distributors.