i forget how long it’s been. They said it in the article. I know it’s been a long time. I’ve been saying for a few months now don’t be surprised if Texas goes blue this year. Now I give it a 50/50 chance
Yeah, that's okay with me, because I live in an area where my vote doesn't matter in a presidential election, either. I voted Libertarian for 2000, '04, and '08. I feel bad about the '08 vote, because I'd wanted to see McCain in the Whitehouse since '96, but I could not vote for him with that dumb bimbo Palin as his VP. Look at it this way, Juice: You don't want Trump to win, so give the vote to Biden. The more popular votes for him, the better. Because I have ZERO doubts that Trump and Co. are going to take a loss easily, and they are going to try and cheat any way that they can. Do any of you smart people want to speculate on what happens if Biden gets an undeniable majority of popular votes, but loses the electorate? The only reason he won was because he was from Texas. He's got a lake, and numerous school/ buildings named after him down here. Fun fact: Texas USED to be a Democrat state.
I refuse to vote on that basis, even if it ultimately doesn’t matter. I will probably end up voting for Biden, but it will be for thinking he is a legitimately good pick to lead the country and not because he a name that doesn’t end in Trump. If I end up going for a 3rd party candidate, it will be for the same reason. Same thing that happened in 2016.
The White House just announced that Trump has ended the pandemic. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/27/poli...-accomplishment-record-cases-spike/index.html
....”Mission Accomplished!” I’m starting to have a hard time telling apart his “accomplishments” to those in North Korea. He didn’t land a man on the sun, but he certainly takes his cue from Elizabeth Holmes. Just making shit up.
I know subtlety is dead in the age of Trump, but the metaphors are getting really on the nose. He literally left his supporters out in the cold: https://twitter.com/omaha_scanner/status/1321301704470597638
It ain't just me. Here is esteemed fascist and haunted ventriloquist dummy Tom Cotton describing the mere act of filling open seats (absent McConnell's shenanigans no less) as "court packing": https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_Court-Packing_Act
So....if we're seeing record turnout so far, doesn't that imply the GOP is losing? At what point do we start to see reports of "oh shit, record voter turnout means....the minority won't win?" The SC nominees Trump placed can be impeached as well, and I'm sure it won't be hard to do. Also, Barrett looks like Pam from the office was possessed by a demon, or trying really hard to hide the fact that she was bitten by a zombie and about to turn into one. The political ads in SC all rant about the radical liberal agenda, the perils of socialism and the adjacency of hope. I can't watch tv because of this penile discharge, and I was looking forward to some football this weekend. I envy the drinking types who can just fill their heads with booze and wake up a week from now, with the satisfaction that one way or another, this bullshit is over.
Impeached on what basis? Doesn't it take judicial malfeasance? There's every GOOD reason why Barrett shouldn't be on the Court, but there's not a single LEGAL one until she fails in her duties. As for Kavanaugh, I guess they can get him on lying to Congress, but I'd rather they did a proper investigation into who paid off his credit cards and casino trips.
“I told you global warming was fake you libtard!” - an elderly Nebraskan having their toes amputated from frostbite
This guy has some pretty good data, though I'm not sure it answers your questions, specifically. https://electproject.github.io/Early-Vote-2020G/Early_Vote_Analysis_10_25.html https://sites.google.com/site/uselectionsproject/home He's a political science professor and consultant, and does not appear to have any bias in reporting the info.
Who knows, right? There isn't a ton of historical precedent for this electoral procedure. It would depend on the a ton of factors being true all at once, such as [percentage of likely voters in each demographic group casting an early ballot], then that group having a favorable ratio with [likely respondents] and then those two groups overlapping with [percentage of voters being honest about their voting habits].
I think you can put whatever spin you want on those numbers, and they will feed your personal narrative. Personally, I think there's enough "FUCK THIS SHIT" going on that people are getting out ahead of it to vote him out, especially with all the USPO bullshit.
There is a lot of fatigue right now. Like, people just want to be able to go a day without saying WTF. Early vote totals just point to enthusiasm. High enthusiasm is always better for the Dems because they tend to vote in lower numbers. Instead of looking at the differences in polling like “a tightening race” or treating like a horse race, look at the fact that Trump’s approvals nationwide have been stuck in the low 40’s/upper 30’s for the majority of his term. Also, he has never broken the 50% mark in states that he needs to win. No matter what narrative the media will try to spin, there aren’t a lot of people wavering back and forth between choices. He may have lost a few votes in Nebraska last night though.
Has anyone made their own electoral map? I have been playing around with a bit. I'll post mine in a bit if people want to play a game to see who comes closest: https://www.270towin.com/
I've been flipping between my "Massacre scenario" where Biden sweeps states like GA, TX, IA, MT, and AK, and my "Doomsday scenario" where Biden takes back WI and MI, but loses the rest by razor thin margins, for weeks. It's not healthy