As a theoretical matter, yes Supreme Court justices can be impeached (and Kavanaugh should be impeached for his perjury during his confirmation hearing) but as a practical matter it'll never happen. You won't even get the full support of Democrats in the Senate, much less enough Republican defectors to get to the 2/3 threshold.
Here's what I have for a razor-thin, unlikely Trump victory: And here is what I think is going to be the actual outcome:
This is my razor-thin Trump win map: Spoiler This is my likely outcome map: Spoiler This is my historic drubbing map: Spoiler 1st: Fuck Ted Cruz 2nd: It scares me that he's right for wrong reasons around these companies being an existential threat. 3rd: I thought the Republicans were the pro-business/deregulation party? the fuck do they not understand the notion of a private company's enterprise and right to do with their business what they please? 4th: Fuck Ted Cruz. 5th: JESUS CHRIST THAT BEARD LOOKS AWFUL.
"Hey guys, you maybe idunno, wanna take a look at the anti-trust laws on the books and approach this from a monopoly power angle?" "WE WILL SCREAM COMPLETE MISCHARACTERIZATIONS OF SECTION 230 AND WHINE ABOUT NOT BEING ALLOWED TO PLOT INSURRECTION AND MURDER OF THE GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN ON TWITTER'S PRIVATE PROPERTY!"
Dorsey missed a huge dick-swinging opportunity to just go: "Go post your complaints on Gab, lol". Part of this "controversy" is a a fundamental disconnect between rights and consequences. "I should be able to be a complete piece of shit, according to the 1st Amendment." Yes, and no part of the 1st amendment shields you from the consequences of your actions, you fuck-tarded manbaby. However, for an intolerant minority to rule, they absolutely have to have a spot at the forum, and they need it to be front and center to distort the discourse. If they get asked to relinquish their spot for being an intolerant horses' ass, you'd better believe they are going to whine about it. Also, the hypocrisy is fucking thick with this crowd: refusing to serve homosexuals? Your inalienable right. Censoring conservatives? (Clutches pearls) YOU FILTHY BASTARDS
But Gawd told them to reject the gays so it's alright. If you don't agree it's religious persecution!
Also their definition of censoring includes "additional speech to put this in context." When they say "stop Twitter's censoring" what they really mean is "censor Twitter."
...annnnd right in the middle of their big "Big Tech is attacking free speech" tantrum, sitting US Senator Marsha Blackburn asks the CEO of Google, who she subpoenaed to be there, if he has gotten around to firing an engineer for being critical of her record.
Even voting Trump out will never be enough to wash away his stink. You only have to kill once to be a killer forever, you only have to elect Trump once to forever be the country who elected Trump. If only they knew that religion deserves to be persecuted. And eradicated.
You guys are stuck with the cunt until 2024, so have fun with that one. Yet another freely-elected nutcase and crybaby embarrassment.
Ok this is hilarious: He's talking about the appointed Senator from Arizona who desperately needs to make up ground to hold her seat. The rally is in Arizona. The Republicans would literally kill to hold that seat, and he's up there telling Arizona voters that no one wants to hear from the Republican candidate.
I mean if Florida and Texas go for Biden that's a landslide. The Dems might even take the senate if that happened.