Funny, yes. But he’s funny for the same reason the movie “The Room” is funny. And that becomes LESS funny when you remember he has the launch codes.
They're almost there already. Even if they lose Alabama (which isn't a sure thing, Jones has been defending surprisingly well) they're almost certain to pick up Colorado, Arizona, and Maine. One more in Iowa, North Carolina, Montana, or Georgia and they have the chamber. Of those, they're favored in North Carolina and Iowa.
I voted for Cunningham so here's hoping. Like I give a crap that he cheated on his wife. That's between him and her. I'm a registered Republican who voted straight Democrat in the major races. I'm flat out disgusted with what the Republican party has become. I'm probably going to switch to Independent before the next election cycle.
I went to the election office today and voted early. Is this not a thing in the rest of the country or??? It couldn't have been easier. The place was open from 9am-8pm, I had to wait like 3 minutes, mostly because of Covid protocol, and the process to actually submit the ballot was basically stick the thing in a giant ATM looking machine and wait for it to ding and say your vote had been counted. If voting was this easy everywhere else, I'm guessing there would be a giant uptick in people actually voting and not having to wait the entire day in long lines outside.
It depends on your state. What a lot of people in places like California, New York, Massachusetts, etc don't realize is that voting is easy because the state intends voting to be easy. Other states have very different ideas on the matter.
I'm now imagining Hunter Biden's laptop in some Indiana Jones-esque Deep State warehouse along with Hillary's emails, McCarthy's list of Communists, and Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. Tucker Carlson: Where is Hunter Biden's laptop Deep State Shadow Man: We have top men working on it now. Tucker Carlson: Who? Deep State Shadow Man: Top! Men! This 1:12 by itself is probably worth half a point in the polls.
Polls really can’t be trusted, the last election is all the evidence you need. The election itself is the only true poll. People need to get out and vote to get rid of that wreck of a shell of a human being. As far as how it looks for Trump— Even the people on Fox News are acknowledging Trump is losing, and that he’s wasting his time not discussing important issues at rallies. Pray that this is his death rattle.
That is exactly how people like that need to be addressed, posture and all. “You are a crook.” “You don’t deserve your job.” Stop playing nice and stomp the fuckers’ throats.
So which scenario is going to cause the most property damage? A: People celebrating that Trump lost B: People protesting that Trump won Either way there is going to be plenty of chanting, looting, and fires. Stay safe y'all.
It's a possibility I suppose. Are there any examples of Trump supporters burning, looting or destroying a city?
Just driving cars into crowds, I think. Also, none of people I know voting Democrat are stockpiling guns at the moment. So that probably says something too.
There are recent examples of Trump supporters planning to kidnap and kill government officials. Trump keeps repeating the lie that the only way he can lose is if the other side cheats. No telling what he does when he loses.
Are we referencing Charlottesville? One lone loon? Remember all the damage done after the 2016 election by people chanting "Not My President? As far as left leaning voters not stockpiling guns, sure...
Supporters protest. Extremists riot. There are right-wing extremists doing pretty bad shit here and there, yes. It looks like that’s who burned/shot at the police station in Minneapolis. And the “Umbrella Man” who trashed the Autozone that started everything is a Hells Angel and Far right wing supporter. So they’re doing damage, and framing others for it. Lord knows how many got away with it.