There’s that and the Republican Party of Texas is asking a federal judge to toss out 100k drive through ballots that have already been legally cast. But yes, it’s the liberals who want aCtiViSt jUdGeS.
Trump voters are the ones actively intimidating the other side..............but we're supposed to worry that liberals will get violent if they lose. Sure. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Sure. This is the part where he openly tells people he wants the Supreme Court to throw the election his way. Normal stuff.
See, this is the kind of shit that has me genuinely scared: after the election, it will be a clear victory for Biden, but the Republicans will find some way to disqualify votes, or just take it to their newly bought-off Supreme Court, where six judges will say "Nah, Biden didn't win. Fuck you, that's why." Also, if Biden does overcome all the GOP skullduggery, can we PLEASE get rid of the electoral college? The US has installed democracies based on our own government in numerous other countries over the years, but NONE OF THEM use an electoral college. I don't think I can bear another minority victory.
Yeah, the Electoral College isn’t going away, maybe ever. It would require an Amendment which 2/3 of each house would need to pass. And even if you got one party to control Congress in such a historically dominating way, you will never get 3/4 of state legislatures to then vote that they want 3-4 states out of 50 deciding every election. The popular vote is quite frankly a short-sighted idea. We can’t even get a pandemic relief bill passed during a pandemic.
You need to win enough down ballot races to ensure the state legislature isn’t made up of a bunch of fucktards either. Down ballot races are just as important as the presidential one. In fact, state legislatures are the ones who determine the district lines for representation. If a certain political party has control of the state legislature, they can pass individual laws to ensure the electors follow the will of the popular vote without trying to change the constitution. If Biden does win, even if the face of all the gop fuckery and attempted cheating, the case has been absolutely made for not just Supreme Court expansion, but judicial reform across the board. Trump and McConnell installed a whole slew of unqualified hacks, like Justin Walker to the federal bench for life. These people make a mockery of what the judiciary should be about and their voices need to be drowned out by more reasonable middle of the road types. The fact that the federal courts are involving themselves in state election is fucked up ih the first place. But they did it in 2000 with W.
It almost went away in the 70s. Wait until Texas votes blue and Republicans will be clamoring to get rid of it.
The video posted earlier shows the white car straddling the lanes from the beginning. It looks like a game of chicken that ended with some rubbing. Which in Texas is defined as racing, I think, as per the Gospel of Waltrip.
Here's an earlier video: The order is Bus > White SUV > Black Truck, all in the same lane. There's no way the black truck gets between the bus and the white SUV without overtaking and then forcing its way in. Edit: correction, the specific black truck that hit the white SUV is actually in front of the bus, meaning it had to intentionally drop back and force its way in between the bus and the white SUV.
This is the part of the simulation where the president endorses domestic terrorism.
NO, 'NERDS, THE TEXAS STATE TROOPERS ARE ALWAYS WAITING UNTIL I DRIVE 6 MPH OVER THE SPEED LIMIT. Do you want to know how many times I've been pulled over for driving 6 MPH over the speed limit? A SHIT-LOAD OF FUCKING TIMES. You start to remember a number like SIX MILES PER HOUR. I remember the first time it happened; it was Easter Sunday of 1998; I was 16, and I had to borrow my dad's car to go to the local auto parts store because I was changing the intake manifold on my truck. I was on my way back with the gaskets, and I got pulled over. The Trooper told me that he pulled me over for going 6MPH over the speed limit, and he kept asking me if I had stolen the car (even though I was on the insurance). After he went through his spiel, I asked if he could just give me a warning instead of a citation. I'll never forget what he said: "Oh no, I can't do that. If you'd only been going 3 or 4 miles over the limit, I could give you a warning. But for 5 or 6 miles an hour, I've got to give you a ticket." That means that this motherfucker would pull someone over for driving 3 MPH over the speed limit. Speaking as an ASE Master Technician, a 3-4 MPH discrepancy on your speedometer is completely reasonable. Just keep pace with the other cars. SPEAKING OF KEEPING PACE! I've been pulled over by State Troopers and shitty county sheriff deputies for driving 6 MPH over the limit, AND I WAS DRIVING IN A PACK OF CARS THAT WERE ALL GOING THE SAME SPEED. Once I got pulled over for going 6 MPH over the speed limit passing a guy, and a cunt State Trooper cited me. I took it to court, because I was just passing the guy (he was driving way below the speed limit), and the judge threw the case out, and said that not only did I have to pay the fine and court costs, BUT I HAD TO PAY IT ALL ON THAT DAY, OR HE WAS GOING TO ISSUE A WARRANT FOR MY ARREST. If any of y'all wonder why I hold the contempt that I do for law enforcement officers, this is one of the many, MANY, MANY reasons why.