I think political partisans of all stripes do shitty things. I think it's more important to see how leaders respond. So let's see how the Texas GOP responded. Source tweet here. Oh. I missed the president endorsed this behavior on twitter now. See tweet here.
Well yeah, it's Allen West. The only reason he's in Texas is because he's too batshit for even the Florida GOP.
I, for one, am absolutely shocked to find out that people change lanes on the freeway. I'm even more shocked that people are arguing about which asshole driver may have been in the wrong based on politics. Then again, no I'm not.
Yes, this was a totally innocent lane change from the floatilla of trucks bearing an ostentatious number of Trump flags and coordinating their movements in order to box in a bus from the Biden campaign.
How long a time and miles elapsed between the two videos? Wait a minute....you say the black truck was ahead of the bus and they dropped behind it to try and box it in? How does that work?
https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFrea...d_trump_cultists_ambush_bidens_campaign_on_a/ Watch that video and tell me how the Trump supporters didn't catch up to, pass, box in, and try and slow down the bus?
No no no... I got it... That Biden Bus just roams the highways, looking for packs of Trump Supporters to go fuck with them and ram THEM of the road... right?
Oh, come ON dude... no need for that... it's obvious... The back of that bus is packed with enough electronic warfare tracking gear to make an Orion blush... and, through the power of Hunter's laptop and Hillary's emails, they've tapped into the 5G network to track the RFID tags they have embedded in Trump flags, allowing them to meet up with that herd of Trump Trucks with military precision. I mean, that's what makes finding a random pack of monster trucks with Trump flags flying so much easier than trying to find a campaign bus that has a public itinerary posted. It's obvious.
One time a dude hit me basically head on and drove away. Bunch of cops showed up, I basically told him hey my loaded concealed carry is in the center console, take possession of it while we’re here if it makes you feel safe. He laughed me off and said “don’t point your gun at me and I won’t point mine at you.”
Stumbled upon this today. Made me laugh. https://twitter.com/mbracemoore/status/1322332020001935362?s=20
Anyone else getting worried about just how openly the Trump campaign is telegraphing that they'll try to steal the election? It's not even an interpretation anymore, they're just going on George Stephanopolous and being like "yeah, we're going to sue to stop counting ballots at midnight on election day." Then the non-campaign "taste-makers" in the ring-wing griftosphere are getting even wilder. Just saw a call for Trump to invoke the insurrection act on election day.
I don’t think a lot of people in the US fully appreciate just how much of a joke your cries of “freedom” and “democracy” are looking these days.
Turns out it's not just the bus. This same man and his truck were previously unable to escape the raw tracking and pursuit power of pedestrians: https://www.kens5.com/article/news/...ters/273-858757ed-4730-48e5-b37a-b0416ee3cc91