As many good people as there are, there are still also plenty of base people who take those boasts at face value and are ready to go commit acts of violence. And the people drumming it up know this, and do not give a fuck because they are soulless cash whores.
It isn’t the politics. It’s the inhumanity. The “meh” when looking at George Floyd gasping for air and breathing his dying breath. The “oh well” when hearing of forced hysterectomies. The “well *shakes head* thoughts and prayers” when kids are massacred in schools and gay men and women are disowned and shunned by their families and trans women are murdered. It’s the little shrug when women talk about their family’s experience making horrible and devastating choices about health and pregnancy. it’s not the politics that makes me hate them. It’s the cruelty and apathy.
It's like anger leeches empathy from people... and all I see are people becoming more and more angry.
Anyone else only watching Netflix or something without ads until Wednesday? I bought my mom 3 bottles of wine, I was like...because election day. Fuck.
I've significantly cut back on smoking cigars for a while as I'm getting back into running shape. Went to today wine today and got some cigarillos. I'm so stressed out I haven't been sleeping well these past few days. Good thing I'm almost 2 years sober, because if I was still drinking, I think I might give myself alcohol poisoning.
We were invited to a friend's house tomorrow night to hang out and watch election shit. I don't really want to be around people tomorrow. All I want to do is be glued to the tv and doomscroll on my phone in peace.
I do that anyway because ads are the worst. The only time I see ads is watching NFL on Sundays, and after this weekend's broadcast: holy shit is that what the rest of the country is subjected to every time they turn on the TV? Jesus Christ.
Oddly enough I’m exactly the opposite. I’ve been drinking a ridiculous amount since this whole pandemic thing started. Including trying Everclear and Red Bull. That was amazing - a whole different feeling than either separately (but I digress). But I’ve gotten bored with drinking and cut way back, and I’m actually feeling more relaxed as Armageddon, I mean the election, approaches. It’s like I’ve achieved a zen acceptance of the upcoming events.
I could not think of a better reason for becoming a suicide bomber than being invited to an “election party”. Booze and politics as the only discussion topic... what could go wrong.
So people just sit around and watch Wolf Blitzer finger-fuck his giant map all night and make a party out of it?
I've never been to a party, but in 2016 a bunch of us at work just hung out in the office and watched the returns in the hangout room. It was kind of uncomfortable being the first person in the room to see the writing on the wall once certain states started being called.
It will consist of people talking loudly over top of other people so their point— the ONLY point that matters— can be heard. I cannot think of a better night to not be around others. I spent my childhood election nights at Conservative party campaign headquarters with the signs and confetti and stupid hats while listening to drunk adults scream likes apes whenever the numbers changed on screen. I will always vote, that’s the most important thing. But it’s not like sports where there is joy and genuine unpredictability to the suspense excitement (excluding the NBA of course)— you’re hoping really really hard that your team doesn’t lose so life isn’t going to suck for you. Sports I can be around the loser just fine. I don’t feel like being around the losing team on election night. And lord knows how ugly it gets for you guys tomorrow, I truly hope that it doesn’t. So many things are either already at “fever pitch” or “boiling point” I’ve lost count, and it will could come to a head tomorrow.
I'm honestly in shock that that Houston judge threw out the Texas GOP's case to invalidate 127,000 votes. I've had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach all day because of that, and now I just heard on Fox News that the Republicans lost... For now.
I went to a watch party at a super late night international bar in Copenhagen for Obama round 1 when I was 19. It was amazing, everyone stayed up all night as the results trickled in, and there were so many hugs and toasts when things looked decisively won. I got lost trying to bike home in the early morning, but luckily a bouncer leaving a strip club pointed me in the right direction, then gave me a congratulatory fist bump when he saw my Obama button. The whole experience was great. Watch parties feel much less fun when the outcome feels so dire and uncertain. Or maybe I'm just old now? But of all the parties I've ever heard of, everyone involved was pretty much on the same team. So at least everyone wins or loses together. Regardless, we don't spend time with people inside these days so parties are out. I have a parasite that is keeping me from becoming an alcoholic this election cycle, which is good I guess, but I also can't have benzos or CBD or cigarettes or anything appropriately self destructive. So after an 11 hour day at work tomorrow, I will also be doom scrolling while stone cold sober. I got boyfriend a bottle of wine because the smell of beer and whiskey make me want to yarf these days so at least he can take the edge off. I'm just hoping we know by sometime Wednesday so we don't have days of anxiety and nail biting.
I know their reputation for fighting each other after games (see: Raider fans) but I would just quietly watch from a safe distance while laughing inside my head. If the results of politics or sports makes you want to punch somebody in the face you need THERAPY, not a “win”.
nah bruh, it was a federal judge who through it out this time for all the media talking about invalidating votes and the like, I think it's gonna be a nothingburger. The courts aren't gonna put up with that shit.