Because neither Maryland, Virginia, nor DC want this, and it can't be done if the state being retroceded to says no. The exact same reason we don't merge the Dakotas back together.
Huh. I guess they don’t want representation that badly after all. What a sad tale, indeed. If only D.C. had 2 Senators, in addition to being where the entire federal government resides, of course. I lived in Arlington for a summer. It was very nice, representation included.
We put a whale on our license plate, they put "fuck the Senate" on theirs. Somewhat indicative of the popular sentiment in the district.
If the Pats lose to the Jets, it absolutely has to be a Tank for Trevor season. Any other reason for losing to the Jets is inexcusable.
Regardless of the result, the turnout for your election is truly admirable this time. People ARE voting this time, which is all that matters.
Only nature can help you now, hopefully while in his sleep. The two midgets inside operating the robot replication of him have to die of old age sooner or later.
Yes, the important thing is that we all come together as a nation and do our civic duty. Exactly how much weed have you smoked tonight?
At least it's gotten better. In 1992 I went home for lunch from work. I was going to vote in the election after work. The key word being "Was." I turned on the news and was informed that Bill Clinton had won the election before I even had a chance to vote.
I think it has something to do with the fact that they can call California, Oregon, Washington, New York et al before anyone even casts a vote.