It will be VERY interesting to see just how much impact the early, mail-in voting had. There's a reason the Republicans don't want it to count.
There’s over 2 million absentee and mail ballots left in PA and they are about 66% dem. 20ish for GOP and 10% independent. It will take days for PA’s result.
The last thing you want to do is trust something as inefficient as the post office. You know, those monsters who can still take postcard from my friend in BC and stick it in my mailbox 72 hours later for sixty cents? The excuses for not wanting to lose are gut-busting. Just count the fucking votes, crybabies.
Oregon took the opportunity, while everyone was focused on the Presidential race in the east, to decriminalize heroin. Party time.
Yeah but only in small amounts. Not like we can just go there and set up a business because fuck the free market. Cock teases.
At the risk of injecting Twitter into these proceedings, this was the first time I've laughed all night:
Annnnd Trump has started the inevitable "We're currently up, they're trying to steal the election" lies. Twitter nuked his tweet, but not before people noted that he spelled "polls" as "Poles". Because of course he did.
trump freaking out is a good indicator things aren’t going his way and you leave Poland out of this! There’s lots of great people there I’m sure.
CNN just called NE-2 for Biden. Likelihood of violence has gone from Defcon 2 back to a balmy Defcon 3.
If he takes AZ then it becomes a straight up best-of-three between WI, MI, and PA. Any two wins it for either candidate.
Trump has declared victory and said he'll be going to the US Supreme Court to "stop voting". Here we go ladies and gents.