Looks like an error in the reporting service used by several outlets. Also looks like it is not the service used by Fox, and AP, both of which also called AZ for Biden. Hopefully the call stands.
Looking like both MI and WI will be called for Biden in the next few hours. Georgia is trending blue and expects to be finished counting by the end of today. All of the hubbub about PA and in the end it might not matter.
Trump has NO issue with votes still being counted Arizona, because he is losing there. You know what this means: pure coincidence.
Not on a national level, but locally I finished second in a two person race for my local council seat. I received 40 percent of the vote and my opponent received 60 percent. I knew it was a longshot, but I am still disappointed. As an aside, my opponent spent $22,000 and I spent $3,600. My city elected (in my opinion) The wrong two council members and then passed a sales tax increase that could give them an extra 11 million dollars a year to hand over to public safety. Fuck.
Well, here's a "hypothetical": FOX "NEWS" has info on all the votes coming in, but wants their viewers to think Trump is winning, so they intentionally delay any Biden votes in order to make it look like Trump is winning. Around 4am, when they figure all of their viewers are off sleeping, they do an update to the real numbers, which involves them adding in all the Biden votes they intentionally withheld earlier. Without having any details around the source of that screen cap, or any real context at all, it's hard to say... but I get it, you're inferring that there's a shit-ton of illegal votes going on by Biden to let him win.
Y'all need to chill with the meddling "facts" and "logic" and "concern for all of humanity". Listen, all we want to hear from you Canadians is about your citizenship process and visa sponsoring.
sounds like both Biden and trump will have the highest popular vote totals in history (previous was Obama)
Once this whole thing is done, there is a serious reckoning needed in the democratic party. As well as the polling firms. Biden underperformed with the hispanic vote by a huge margin margin compared to Hillary. He didn't even get the share of the black vote that was initially predicted. Theres something seriously out of touch when someone like Trump is able to pull the numbers he has gotten so far. The socialism boogeyman seems to be quite effective and theres not a whole lot someone can say except "I'm not a socialist." This race was predicted to be a total blowout, and I even fell for that narrative myself. No candidate in history was ever down by double digits nationally across nearly every poll, and still almost squeak out a win. While Biden winning the rust belt was predicted pretty accurately, it was supposed to have been by a much wider margin than it actually turned out to be. On top of that, all the major pollsters shit on Trafalgar and Susquehanna for being hacky firms that serve GOP purposes, but they seem to have been the closest so far. All the polls said he was hemorrhaging white women. Trump got them by 3% higher than last time per the exit polls. Now the exit polls this year are practically meaningless because they only count election day voters which skew heavily GOP. But still. What lessons will the dems learn from this? I think they need new younger leadership that reflects the actual population. Should they stay more moderate or go harder to the left?
One issue is the underdog notion: if Biden is ahead by 10 points, I don't have to vote or its not as big of a deal. The other is the stigma around voting for Trump: no one tells the polls they are a Trump supporter. Look at the backlash when celebrities came out in support of Trump. I am fully guilty of that shit: one of my leadership team is an open Trump supporter, and I cannot avoid him enough. I am of a mindset that some things are best kept out of my professional domain, and in these times, party is one of them. These divisions have stakes. And some random gigglebox calling and asking about my vote then treating it as gospel is kind of an issue. Lastly, the bias in the respective channel has made polling fraught with issues. My stats mind reels at all the factors around predicting this stuff, but just calling and asking is deceptively simple, and ineffective.
On a more local level, California absolutely fucked the pooch on the props. Had an opportunity to weaken Prop 13 via two different propositions, and strengthened it instead. Plus we apparently just sell favorable legislation to Uber now.
My conspiracy theory meta-conspiracy theory: Republicans have created the fake #sharpiegate conspiracy theory to bury the story of Trump doodling on a fucking weather map that previously came up when you googled "sharpiegate".
The stock market is up, gasoline is $1.75/gal. It suits me fine if they don't get the winner resolved until after Christmas.
I've seen the hispanic male vote going to Trump higher than predicted due to some admiration of him. Machismo bullshit type of thing. Probably the same for some black and white male voters to.