PA is a state where they don't even begin to start counting mail-in ballots until after the polls close, so due to that fact and the sheer number of mail in ballots that need to be processed and certified, it's going to take some time to complete. This is why they stopped all processing late last night; to allow poll-workers to get some sleep. PA is usually one of the last states to certify their results; however, in the past typically whichever candidate is winning is well above a margin that can be swayed by mail-in ballots. This year, obviously not so much.
I think a lot of it is counting mail-in ballots, which some counties did not start until today. I think this is standard procedure for them, but due to Covid protocols for workers and the record number of mail-ins (also due to Covid, and interest), it's a bigger deal. Usually it is a small percentage that can be ignored or easily projected, but the numbers are much bigger this time.
Just quickly peeking at the map, but is ANY state 100% in right now? I know a lot of them are beyond flipping, so they've been 'called', but everything I scrolled over said X% of precincts reporting, etc.
That never has, and never will make any sense. He’s not tough. He’s never had to work hard in his life. Spoiled rich. He has tits. Somebody on this board feel free to point out the “macho” on this blubbering crybaby mess, by all means. I used to think that trying to popularize Ranchero was hispanics’ dumbest decision. I’m no longer clinging to that raft.
They said they are processing at about 10k ballots an hour, and to "leave us the fuck alone we're going as fast as we can". <---- paraphrasing a bit there
My theory is that it's the confidence he can bullshit, lie, and cheat and be so 100% confident that no one will call him out(or that he can out yell them) or that he won't get in trouble that it's herpes levels of infectious. That and certain segments of the Hispanic community are SUPER FUCKING RACIST towards black people and other Hispanics even and have a "Fuck You Got Mine!" attitude about it. That and AGGRESSIVE HATRED for communism/socialism(not without reason).
Context was requested: Conservatives have been spreading a theory that voters were intentionally given sharpies n conservative areas in Arizona to fill out their ballots, so that those ballots couldn't be counted by the machines. Elections officials have said that the machines are perfectly capable of counting ballots filled out with a sharpie.
The bullshit posturing of a fake tough guy is appealing to other fake tough guys. Remember, Trump is weak man’s idea of a strong man, and a poor man’s idea of a rich man. People who also put up a similar front like a guy like that. Other supporters might like his racist appeal. Others might just be opportunists who don’t give a shit about him as a person but care about conservative tax policies or social issues. His ideology is fluid and he will be anyone they want. He’s also funny. It’s the worst thing about him. Some people think his trolling and rambling at rallies is funny and some like the personality.
You're not wrong, but the larger point still stands that since they aren't legally allowed to start counting until AFTER the polls close, that's why they take so much longer than other states that either start processing mail-in ballots as soon as they are received, or at least start at the beginning of the day of voting.
I don't know how many of you listen to the Hardcore History podcast, but there was a great line I heard when it came to leadership. "An army of donkeys led by a lion can beat an army of lions led by a donkey." It would seem to me that Pelosi and Schumer are the biggest fucking jackasses in American politics. I cannot understand how a sitting president who is so blatantly disliked, EVEN BY MEMBERS OF HIS OWN PARTY, managed to keep this election as close as it has. Not only that, I've read that they actually lost ground in the House, which I didn't think was humanly possible. Like, how do you fail at doing something this badly? Where were Democrats spending all their campaign money, newspapers and AM radio? All these fucking idiots had to do was say how bad Trump fucked up the coronavirus response and how bad that fucked up the economy. Throw up a few bar graphs for dummies to see on TV, hire people away from social media sites to market the party online, and suddenly Democrats have a supermajority. What we get instead is the old white guy remake of Obama's second term. Mark my words, nothing of note will be signed into law. Everything will be done by executive orders that will be just rolled back when the next useful idiot the Republicans make president takes over. The worst thing about all of this is that I know that Democrat leaders will wring their hands and try to appeal to people who will never vote for them. The only way this system changes is if there's some kind of FDR type who enacts massive reforms. Until then, anybody who isn't in the top 10% of earners in America is getting fucked.
I get the impulse to attack the Democratic leadership, and there is valid criticism they deserve, but what do we expect them to do specifically on elections? Have you seen the mongoloids that form Trump's base? The shit they believe and the things they vote for? You think if we replaced Nancy Pelosi with a slightly more dynamic San Francisco liberal, Captain Adrenochrome is suddenly going to base his vote on sober healthcare policy? You couldn't even get these idiots to wear a mask during a pandemic that was killing their family members, and you think someone could have gotten them to vote based on long term fiscal policy? This country is ungovernable. That is the root of all other evils.
I find it hard to believe that the House Democrats would elect Pelosi as Speaker again after such a embarrassing election cycle. She’s 80 and is clearly out-of-touch with just about everything.
I think you will see a new younger speaker and she will retire before 2022. Or she will get primaried. She’s embarrassingly out of touch. Same with Schumer. I think AOC will come for his seat.
We need term limits for the house and senate. Plenty of people have stuck around way too long. McConnell included.
3% of the vote for the NC senate race went to other parties. That's way higher than the presidential race. I have to think Cunningham's affair resulted in that.
I'm not all that interested in the 35% of people in this country who will vote R no matter what. That is Trump's base. I care a lot more about the apparently 15% who saw everything he did these past years and then DECIDED HE WAS THE BETTER OPTION. If you were getting kicked in the nads by Trump these last 4 years and Biden's team failed to convince you that you'd be better off not getting kicked in the nads for the next 4 years, Biden's team should be drawn and quartered for that inexcusable horseshit. I mean, how fucking shitty does Democratic leadership have to be before they realize that they need to try a different tack? Trump fucking GOT coronavirus and they didn't do anything but wish him a speedy recovery! Trump is objectively a piece of shit! Why are you saying anything nice about him? Do you honestly believe Republicans wouldn't have posterized Biden if the shoe was on the other foot? Democrats need someone unafraid to punch Republicans in the dick.