Damn right. Democrats as a whole don't want to attack enough. They see it as below the belt. Meanwhile a majority of Trumps ads were flat out scaremongering. Here in NC they ran an ad about healthcare reform that was complete bullshit. I didn't see one Biden ad countering it. You cannot let that kinda of nonsense stand without responding to it.
Here's my takeaways from last night and today's results and where democrats go from here. Democrats on the whole are complete pussies when it comes to pressing their advantage and taking to task the stupid shit republicans can say. Trump got Covid and they didn't do anything about it. Not once during the debate did Biden bring up the fact that Trump got Covid, got experimental, tax payer funded care no one else had access to and continued to expose people close to him by not following safety guidelines. Whoever pumped 100 million dollars into the campaign to try to unseat Mitch McConnell, you need to be fired. Immediately. Latino's are not Democrats by nature. Expecting them to vote D every election is not a given and you cannot take their vote for granted. Cuban's don't like socialism and will vote against it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. (not saying Biden is socialist, but it's the messaging Trump has fed in Miami for the past 4 years and with the path the Democrats are going with their policy takes, it's only going to be easier to press that button) BLM had a GIANT impact on the election in favor of the Republicans. Whoever started the defund the police idea and Democrats not immediately shutting down the looting and rioting is showing in the polls. Nancy Pelosi is a god damn Democrat life saver and you should be thankful she is in charge. A lot of Democrat policies are readily being accepted by the population as a whole (M4A higher minimum wage, student loan forgiveness, environmental change, immigration etc) , but the messaging and the people who are pushing these agendas are downright terrible. AOC is not the person to be pushing the Green New Deal, regardless of how much it would help with climate change. It's just not going to happen with people like her behind it. Trump has given the Republicans everything they have been looking for the past few years with a giant helping hand from McConnell. To think this is going to be countered by the fact that he says racist things or has completely pushed the conversation about Covid in a direction he could control was short sighted at the least. Running on a campaign of basically, "Trump can't Win" is again, not the way to win an election.
This shit is exactly what I'm talking about. All Biden had to do was film empty streets, boarded up businesses, and any other appropriate image of misery, then plastered clips of Trump saying the virus was under control and was going away. Just play that shit on a loop. You could have done that in every battleground state and it would have resonated because it applied to literally fucking everybody. If they were smart, they could have paired this with the promise of free health insurance. If they screamed socialism, they could have just showed all those rich assholes applying for small business loans and all those times Trump used the government to enrich himself. Like, this isn't hard. The fact that it seems like they didn't do shit makes me so goddamn angry.
Those are called elections. The problem is the apathetic voting base that repeatedly votes for shitty politicians that often run for reelection unopposed, or against some lunatic fringe candidate that's even nuttier. Here's a few articles explaining why term limits are not a good idea: https://www.vox.com/polyarchy/2016/10/18/13323842/trump-term-limits https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...494762-84d2-11e6-92c2-14b64f3d453f_story.html https://slate.com/news-and-politics...ate-all-the-problems-with-our-government.html
We only allow two terms for the president. I see no reason why we shouldn't do the same for the house and senate.
I forgot one other thing... Running up the score in California doesn't do anything to win you an election.
In some news that I would categorize as "thankfully obvious," Mississippi approved their new flag, replacing the ol' stars and bars version. Also, you could say I literally voted against slavery yesterday. Nebraska still had wording in its constitution that said slavery and indentured servitude were acceptable punishment, so we voted to get rid of that. And we're getting our gambling on! Livin' that fuckin' GOOD life!
Let's not pat yourself on the back too hard. Some of you voted to get rid of that. About a third of you preferred to keep it.
And it starts MORE: Crowd assembled at TCF Center in Detroit, where Michigan absentee votes are being counted, chant "stop the count" as security blocks doors; CBS News projects Joe Biden is the winner in Michigan. https://t.co/1ZBzg3mgpW https://t.co/kO2dBsbaK2 https://twitter.com/CBSNews/status/1324118923525148672?s=19
CULT CULT CULT CULT CULT CULT CULT Pathetic. They’ve become Trump in that pathetic excuse of an interview. “Don’t say that!” “It’s not fair we’re losing!”. If the shoe was on the other foot those fat fucks would be in their fake army gear guarding the building. it’s an ELECTION. Losing is a shit sandwich, take your fucking medicine. Put an age limit on being a politician while you’re at it. You have senators who probably used to play stickball with Coolidge. With a age limits you can avoid nutty old worthless fucksticks like James Inhoff making you look like morons, and you can also avoid having future humiliations like 674-year-old Strom Thurmond getting unfrozen and wheeled out on to the senate floor for a five-minute standing ovation dedicated to a lying, degenerate, retarded, cheating piece-of-shit racist. Maybe they were trying to relive the good old days of him spending 24 straight hours at the podium trying to end civil rights, while at that same time he was impregnating his underaged black maid. That’s “tough love”.