So that Twitter person is famous for being racist and wearing a lot of makeup? are we sure it isn’t just trump’s alter ego account?
However her life turns out, it better involve using matte make-up from now on. That way she doesn’t come out looking like George Hamilton’s peanut butter abortion.
I just came across these paired definitions which I found really useful in describing the last few years: I think describing Trump's first term as an "autocratic attempt" is a very concise way to put it.
Seriously, though, did anybody find pictures of her boobs? I only stand by that joke if she's over 18.
Anderson Cooper with quite the soundbite here
To add to what @xrayvision and I were discussing earlier, I would say Trump is fighting so hard partly because deep in his soul, he knows he gave the world what will be the #1 trending reaction to his loss.
He’s not lying. Watching that so-called press conference today was so fucking pathetic he is indefensible at this point in any way. Fuck him, and anybody who still puts him on a pedestal. With such a huge turnout you wouldn’t expect so many of them to go in voting with such low information and ignorance.
I swear, if Trump had outright won the election I would feel disappointed in this nation turning into a shadow of its former self. But I wouldn't be angry, not even upset. Just...let down. But seeing him play the pitiful sore loser like this, desperately trying to cheat his way to a win, that makes me angry. It's the first L in his life that he can't cheat or sue his way out of, and he cannot deal. The manliest President ever, and he can't lose like a man would. Absolutely pathetic. Incredible how many suckers fell for it in 2016, how many cultists apparently liked what they got and asked for more in 2020, and how many true believers will take his bullshit word for it and question Biden's win in perpetuity, if that's all they "do" about it.
The "Mr. Trump, you're fired" moment, as good as it would be, doesn't hold a candle to a solid deep fake where Biden is Harrison Ford, Trump is Gary Oldman, and he jacks him up by the collar with a powerful "get off my plane". Universe, make this happen please.
that's now one of the top trending things on twitter, not far behind #TrumpMeltdown I'm finding this all particularly funny. Also no one is taking him seriously anymore, which I'm thankful for.
I more picture Biden as Glenn Close, saying boring things into a phone and not doing much from far away; and Kamala as the piece of shit insider everyone else thinks is good (For some weird reason) who finally and unwillingly goes down with the fiery wreckage.
So now Trump’s people are attacking Fox News for calling Arizona. Cult. I said it would become that, and it did. The official religion of anti-intellectualism has arrived.
You said the same shit about Texas, and look at us now. I had a LITTLE hope that Texas would at least go purple. But Georgia is a lost cause at this point in the election. If I'm wrong (which I genuinely hope I am), I will apologize profusely.
I'm not building my hopes by any stretch, but he only needs about 1900 votes with about 16,000 (I think) remaining. Not a shoo in, but not impossible either. And I think they are mail in ballots from more heavily blue areas too.