Quoting this so you can't edit it in like 5 min. And yes, I was wrong about Texas, and Florida, and I think the whole idea of polls in general needs a complete overhaul in how they approach, conduct, and analyze them. That's a discussion for another time (or now, if you're particularly bored), but for now I'm focusing on how exciting it is to see the death throws of this third rate wannabe autocrat.
The story being offered on this is: Trump went on Fox Tuesday morning (maybe Monday, I can’t remember), where he bitched about Fox and how they weren’t on his side enough, and said he was gonna start his own network to compete. Murdoch, in retaliation, made sure Fox called Arizona for Biden, which made Trump flip out and call Murdoch, demanding they retract it, and he refused. Now I’ll admit, I was kinda surprised it got called so early, and other networks held off.
I hope ROTN and Dixie that you are correct. I am not counting on anything till Biden has 270 votes. This feels like a baseball game and no matter how big a lead you have or how long you have been playing, as long as you have an out left, you have a chance to win. Look at what has been happening in Arizona. My fear is that the races will be so close that somehow Trump is able to get this into the Supreme Court. Trump seems to me like a wounded and cornered wild animal desperate to fight and will do whatever to stay alive.
but why would a member of the Supreme Court side with trump over the Constitution and what is legally correct? They already got what they wanted from him -- a seat. He no longer has anything they need, and they have a lot to lose by ruling in his favor.
If/when Trump loses, the GOP will owe both an apology and a BIG thank-you to the Lincoln Project for both being correct AND putting in work to flush the turds in your White House.
Republican Voters Against Trump as well. Not nearly as high profile or with as big of names, but they did a wonderful job. It's okay to be a Republican -- I certainly hold some conservative ideals and really like some of the conservative politicians -- but it is NOT okay to be a trump supporter. It is not okay to stand with or for that. We can debate policy and ideals until we are blue in the face. But blatant racism is not okay. Belittling women, minorities, soldiers, and anyone who disagrees with you, while attempting to turn Americans against each other, is not okay. You can hold your nose and deal with a good person you don't ideologically agree with for a few years, if the alternative is that.
So this is happening.... It appears the Trump campaign is trying to commit electoral fraud. https://twitter.com/lachlan/status/1324565108899667968
I knew we couldn't last this long without the crazypants showing up: https://6abc.com/philly-police-investigating-alleged-plot-to-attack-pa-convention-center/7689932/
All that plus the blatant voter suppression is why I'm changing my registration to Independent after this race. I can't stomach being a registered republican after this display. No leaders in the party have the balls to call Trump out on his nonsense either.
PSA: there is actually an Independent Party in the US, and it is crackballs. Be sure you register for your state’s equivalent of “decline to state.” Sincerely, Registered voter with no party since 2000
Yeah, the maps I have been following never had Nevada for Trump. Either way, it seems that Trump will end up losing Georgia anyway.
Maybe I was drunk then but I could have sworn it was forecasted red before that. At least on the AP feed.
That depends. I heard there were still a bunch of outstanding military ballots and whatnot. Not sure how many remaining.