My wording should have been, “I am going to vote against Biden because we must resist pure socialism.” There were reasons not to vote for Biden, and reasons not to vote for Trump, so I voted third party. One of them was that I was rejecting this notion that if I didn’t vote a certain way, the nation was going to immediately become a dystopian hellscape. Basically took myself out of the equation.
Honestly, TrumpTV needs Murdock support, and I think ol Rupert might be more worried about the aftermath of the Trump years. He should understand that with a loss, you can't double down on the same bullshit. And he will certainly be nervous about the role he played in these scandals. Also, TrumpTV would be in direct competition with Fox, with Trump difficult to control. When Oreilly went down, it was easy to replace him with Tucker Carlson or Hannity, and without Fox, those individuals are looking at becoming Alex Jones. I dunno that TrumpTV has any legs, and is more likely to be a sad parody of Fox News mixed with NRA TV, all focused on Trump. It'd be like if Chuck Lorre produced the state tv for North Korea. Also Trump needs money, and will not benefit from more attention. Bush has been out of the scene since 2009 or so, because he has no place in the GOP now. Trump is going to be too toxic for some and too volatile for others. So who's going to advertise on TrumpTV? Who aligns themselves with this brand now? Trumps con is over, and if he continues to play publicly, it gets worse for him in terms of negative attention. Again, his invulnerability is over. Having a bully pulpit won't solve any of his problems, and will distance him from a run in 2024. Him and everyone associated with him....
I really hope you're right, but I'll believe it when I see it. Right now I don't see the cult going away and someone will look at their numbers and give Trump a platform to spout his rubbish.
If he gets some sort of media platform and spends the rest of his days bashing the gop for insufficiently going to bat for him when he was losing the election, he could just split his base off from the gop and hurt them more down the road. Not sure it would do damage long term but it would be very wise for the current gop members of congress to stop the voter fraud bullshit and start acting like Trump doesn’t exist. Ted Cruz and Matt Gaetz need to stfu.
No one is going to line up behind Trump anymore. What they're going to do is treat him almost as if he was dead, and make an electoral martyr out of him. Whoever the heir apparent of this wingnut cult is will speak always of the fallen leader Trump, unjustly denied his rightful reelection, while solidifying the batshit under their own direction. It'll be the Brigham Young playbook.
So is anyone else dying laughing at this whole four seasons thing? Trump announced a press conference at the Philadelphia Four Seasons. The Philadelphia Four Seasons releases a statement denying that Trump has anything booked there. Trump clarifies that they are booked at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping company. Rather than admit someone fucked up and booked the wrong place they proceed to hold a press conference at a landscaping company It's like a storyline straight out of Veep
I swear, you can't make this stuff up. This group of morons ran our country for four years and damn near got reelected.
I’ve been on an off laughing at this pretty much all day. Each time a new picture is released, I laugh for several minutes.
TrumpTV doesn't need Murdock support. It'll either be a success or a massive flameout, just like all Trump's other ventures. And, what do you mean Rupert might be worried? You mean personally, because he's 90 years old? Or, do you mean Fox News will decline? FNC is #1 by far, and with a democrat in the White House, their viewership will only increase. Sorry if I don't understand what you were saying.
I like how they needed to give the guy's previous career, Architect, because.... I'm not real sure why they needed to do that. Nothing wrong with selling dildos for a living.
Everything was so bad, now the election ending like “It’s a Wonderful Life”. They are on fumes, gasping for breath, and they still can’t help but crash into the manure truck again. They. Still have. The Nukes. Always remember that.
The gop has a decision to make. Do they continue to let Trump be an albatross around their necks after he’s out of office? It’s up to them to collectively start acting like professionals again instead of living in fear of the next mean tweet. They could cast him off to be the cohost of whatever show Alex Jones hosts and ignore him. Then, clean up their own house because none of them can successfully act the way trump did and get away with it. Remember when Rubio tried it in the original primary against Trump? It was super cringey. I think a lot will also depend on future criminal liability for him and the rest of the family.
The GOP had the opportunity to distance from him Thursday and Friday when the math on the ballots was clear. Instead they said nothing. The GOP if it is going to survive needs top level turnover, probably midlevel too. It would probably be easier to just start a new party.
Politics is bad for family relations, even if you agree, mostly, with each other. My wife currently has a bug up her ass because I’m taking a “maybe we should all be calm and conciliatory rather than skewer all Republicans “ stance. I think she’s slammed every door in the house.
Maybe give people more then a couple of hours before asking them to be the better person especially after the nonstop nonsense of the past four years.