Holy shit, that’s what a president should sound like. I’ve missed that. And for the record, I didn’t vote for him. But I’ll sure as shit give him a chance.
Jungle Julia told me to pick up a bottle of champagne when I was at work. I got home, and she wanted to bang to celebrate Trump's loss (that, and she's a horndog). Anybody else have any celebrations planned?
Trump sold paraphernalia that explicitly said "Fuck your feelings", so I think everyone who voted for or supported that citrus colored shitsack should consider their feelings good and fucked.
I read some article somewhere that said a WH advisor admitted that when the legal fights are done he will agree to a peaceful transition. But I don’t know how accurate that is really.
I had a small campfire going while I did some yard work. Then sat and had a couple beers, enjoying the weather. As for some “freedom fucking”, no dice. As a friend once joked, “Ladies and gentlemen there’s no show under the big top tonight. The monkey had a hemorrhage.”
On an only tangentially related note...I wish the Biden camp hadn’t brought out the drone swarm. That shit gives me the jibblies.
The drive in theater was showing Toy Story. So I took my kids to watch it. They stayed up an hour past their bed time. Sometimes I’m a wild and crazy dad.
Next you're going to say you didn't like the Boston Dynamics robodogs recreating the hyena marching scene from The Lion King.
I was hard to pick the best part of this article. "We will recall her sunglasses, her defense of birtherism on The View, and the impression she occasionally created that her sour demeanor reflected her resentment at becoming a public figure. This last part wasn’t true: Back in 1999, when Trump ran for president, Melania Trump fantasized in interviews about being the next Jackie Kennedy. She would settle for ripping the crab apple trees out of Jackie Kennedy’s rose garden." https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/11/goodbye-melania-trump.html
I almost did it myself. Was planning on informing them of a vote-by-mail voter who was registered at a Florida address that's listed as a business and not a residence.
Why would they need to do that? The Democrats barely won the presidency, lost seats in the House and will probably lose the Senate. I don’t think they’re going to have some electoral motivation to reform.
How does 306 to 232 count as barely? When 306 to 232 (before the faithless electors did their thing) counted as a powerful mandate. How does 50.6% to 47.7% count as barely? When 46.1% to 48.2% counted as a powerful mandate. But you are right the Republicans didn't need to ditch tRump before the election results were cast in stone. But now the results are in and they are chained to that stone. And the longer it takes for the GOP to disconnect from tRump the longer it will take for the GOP to fix itself. Right now the system needs to be fixed. Actual criminals need to face justice. And not in the character assassination way that the GOP investigated her emails or bengazi or a tan suit. But in a people have hurt America and Americans with their greed and lust for power and they need to exist as a warning to all future generations as what should not be done. Republicans don't need to do anything. But they have to decided if they are Americans or Republicans. Because Biden is asking them to be Americans but he can't hold the door open forever.