I'm all for having as many lawsuits and recounts as Trump wants. If he wants to lose in the slowest, dumbest, most humiliating way imaginable with the entire planet watching.........I'm not gonna stop him.
It's kind of crazy he's getting people to donate to a campaign after the election, that he lost. Like, THAT's a fucking hustle.
Like....How fucking ridiculous is it that this "billionaire" is hitting folks up? Did Bloomberg fund-raise?
I read 60% of donations would go straight to his campaign debts. Then later found out if you donate less than $8000 all of it goes straight to campaign debts. It is obvious this is a grift to get his debts paid off. I just can't believe anyone falls for it.
It’s a stupid tax, like playing the lottery or walking into a casino: you’re paying somebody for the honour of giving them your money. “The Art Of The Deal” is pretending that your dad didn’t die with $400 million in his chequing account after you declared bankruptcy for the third time.
Dude don’t you know that if you make your own casinos compete with each other, it supposed to triple your money instead of cannibalize your profits?
An interesting read from Politico. https://www.politico.com/news/magaz...-democrats-future-david-shor-interview-436334
And that’s another thing... who in the fuck has a casino go bankrupt? High school level-educated Sioux take in MILLIONS in monthly profits running out of Lower Asscrackylvania while he can’t make money in Vegas and Atlantic City? WHY the fuck won’t his election opponents ever bring up facts like that? Insult and point out the absolute failure of a businessman he’s always been, it’s as relevant as it gets when the subject dipshit is the boss of your country.
Or his steaks. Or his airline. Or his TV show. Or his hotels. Or his “World’s Tallest Building”. Or his kids.
He doesn't operate a casino in Las Vegas. Just a hotel. He built a fucking off-strip hotel, in Las Vegas, without an attached casino.
Guys, like, he's not even the one losing in court right now anyway: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1328100945570500608
Maher’s best monologue in a decade, what is obvious to everyone on this board but not so much to America. More liberals need to attack Woke culture this thoroughly.