There are lots of people who noticed, and some prominent ones are making big noise about it and calling for investigations:
The Giuliani memes are really on point right now. and way more.
Let’s be perfectly clear, this is the other lawyer currently working with Giuliani to defend the baseless election fraud claims: Is there anybody working for the government that isn’t a soulless cash whore?
A lot of young, pretty blonde women realized that you can get a lot of money from creepy old dudes without fucking them. You just need to try to fuck the rest of us.
I'm working for the government, and while I probably don't have a soul, I consider myself to be more of a slut. I do it for the love of the game, not the money.
Also it sure is wild that all this "fraud" happened only in the states Trump needs to flip in order to get to 270. Nothing happening in North Carolina, Florida, etc, which were also closely contested leading up to the election. Apparently the Democrats' plan was to just abandon Florida, but to engineer a super tight victory in Georgia instead. Totally makes sense.
evidence doesn't matter. Their supporters still think it happens because they said so. My in laws believe Biden won, but they also believe it was by fraud. They believe 7+ million votes were faked, and as proof they said trump had more supporters at his rallies
That's what I keep saying! Also, why is this some huge conspiracy against ONLY Trump? There are a shitload of GOP senators I'd love to get rid of; why didn't the Deep State go after them?
My in laws believe Biden won by straight up election fraud. All they do is repeat the talking points of conspiracy theorists. It’s a little scary actually. How consumed with rage my father in law is, in particular. The only thing I can surmise is that they know just how corrupt and shitty the GOP has been the last 4 years and are now afraid of getting in thrown back at them. I guess when you destroy all norms and spit on the rule of law and ethical guidelines, you must think everyone does it.
yeah that's how mine were. I agree it was very scary. They were talking about how "tucker was good last night" and crap. When I brought up all the corruption by the GOP one of them said, exact quote, "they aren't doing anything the liberals didn't do to them." Completely brainwashed. There's no use arguing with someone like that.
Does anyone else see the irony in all of this? The winning side in 2016 spent the past 4 years adamantly denying there was any interference in the 2016 election, but is now claiming interference in 2020. The winning side in 2020 that spent the past 4 years and countless millions in tax payer dollars investigating interference is now claiming there's no way there was any interference this time around. Neither of these groups are on the side of what's best for the country, they're both party over country. How about we do something to make sure our elections are more secure and transparent?
Interference is not voter fraud. Even Trump's own security council said there was Russian interference this time around. And Trump still lost.
the key difference is that trumps is claiming the interference is voter fraud, whereas the previous investigations centered around a different nation attempting to influence the election, and specifically one candidate reaching out to that nation for assistance (which did happen). It's by no means an apples to apples comparison. In fact, the only similarities are that in both instances, the trump campaign was, by all obvious and factual accounts, in the wrong.
Have any of y'all seen this shit yet? If you thought the Four Seasons Lawn Care press conference was bad, here's a clip of today's RNC press conference where Rudy Giuliani SWEATS CHEAP HAIR DYE/ SCALP SPRAY ONTO HIS FACE. This is literally some Saturday Night Live level comedy, AND IT'S FOR REAL. I listened to the audio of this shit on the Rush Limbaugh show (chuckling all the way)*, and Rush broke into the live broadcast to explain what the people on Twitter were talking about. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO WANT CONTROL OF THIS COUNTRY. AGAIN. * I'll save you the trouble of looking it up, and transcribe it here: "There was fraud, FRAUD, FRAUD! We're going to find it! Also, we want paper ballots again!" Some woman cried.
Even better, there is a twitter video (can't find it) of THEIR OWN MEDIA TEAM talking shit about it while on a hot mic. (Found it)
Got it. There are 2 major parties, but only one of them cheats, lies, and plays politics. Perhaps we should adopt a one party system, that should solve things.