If you are comparing the Dems with what Trump and Co are doing right now to try and win an "illegal" election, then I don't know what to say. Do you think that Biden only won because of fraud?
Your fucking party has called COVID "fake news" and have done more to kill US citizens than the fucking terrorists on 9/11. They are whining like little bitches over losing a democratic election, and are calling for any votes against them to not be counted. The whole concept of the US being some sort of bastion of Freedom and Democracy is a fucking joke.
One plays politics. Not that I agree with the way politics are played, but they do. The other is attempting a soft coup in front of our eyes. There chasm between is the size of the Grand Canyon.
Truthfully, I don't. He won and Trump should fuck off back to where he came from like a man. I don't like that Biden won because it worries me what he may implement, but I also think a peaceful transition of power is the best thing for our country and that's what I care about more than anything. I just get a bit irritated reading this thread which has become an echo chamber about how one party is racist and evil and the other is the golden child. Both parties are full of self centered assholes who don't give a damn about the rest of us.
I think a ton of us has said, over and over, that both parties are fucked... but they are fucked in different ways. Right now, a Trump-led GOP is by FAR the most evil... and Biden is the least evil option, not the ideal option. Big difference.
Fair point. I tend to consider anyone trying to defend some of that shit as being a supporter. My bad.
And that's where a whole bunch of our problems are coming from. If you're not 100% behind the party line, you're the enemy. That's so messed up. I vote my conscience. I don't care if there's a R or D next to their name. I vote for who I think is the better person and who cares more about the country. I vote for gay rights, I vote pro abortion. I also vote pro gun and anti illegal immigration. I'm not a brainwashed, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, whatever else people try to pin me as.
I've made similar points over the past few months. By SC standards, I am a liberal hippie. However, I'm pro-gun, pro-immigration reform, and especially in seeing how our government spends money, pro-fiscal responsibility (which has no party right now, believe me). A huge issue is we've all been boiled down to single issue voters. I am also genuinely concerned that based on the GOP in my lifetime, I'll never vote for them again: 9/11, Katrina, the 2008 recession, and now, Trump and COVID. Part of the issue with the Democratic party is they keep painting their opposition as racist, which makes them believe they are entitled to certain votes, and that's patently untrue. That enables lazy representation at best: THEY KNOW THEY DON'T HAVE TO WORK FOR MY VOTE. If you are a racist, yeah you're probably more aligned with conservatives. Unfortunate, but "guilty by association" is bullshit. If you've taken a class in ethnic basket weaving or poetry, yeah you're probably more aligned with Democrats, in the same way, but one of those is a far less potent evil. The bottom line for me is that over the past 12 years or so, politics has turned into entertainment, and what we're living in right now isn't governance, it's a grotesque perversion of values into something that fits into a donor's scheme and a campaign manager's messaging strategy. I think we can agree that having either Trump or Biden as our BEST options means shit isn't going well. What needs to change? I can either write a manifesto or just sum it down to: we have to care about each other better, we have to incentivize working together, and our government needs to get back to the days of actually solving problems. The fear, danger, uncertainty and anxiety we all live under is excruciating, and it's inexcusable for "the greatest nation on Earth" and the most powerful and the richest country on Earth. Start there: it is unacceptable we have this much poverty, this many imprisoned, this many homeless, this many in danger of medical bankruptcy, this many who are chronically ill. I don't know or care who has to sacrifice to reverse this, but if we don't....what do you think will happen? I don't accept this, and I'm cosmically fortunate that none of this impacts me. How pissed do you think the people are who have to live like this? And what do you think the outcome of that rage will be? Trump supporters are mad about complete fucking fantasies, but we're rapidly approaching a reality that is far more enraging. Generations of Americans that have a lower standard of living despite the progress in technology, education and economic growth that they drove are not going to idly accept these circumstances. I tell my father all the time: I've done well, I'm very lucky and I'm fucked, economically speaking. I can't afford a house, a wedding or a kid, and I have very serious concerns about taking care of my parents as they age. The people responsible for this circumstance call me entitled, irresponsible or lazy, and it's fucking infuriating. This is coming to a head now, and it's not going to be pretty.
Yeah, I don’t really care about all this crap either. The whole, “Party X is more evil than Party Y” thing is pretty stupid. If people want to know what foreign propaganda is actually trying to do, it’s getting people to think that way. Just vote for the candidate(s) that you think will provide the best circumstances for 1) yourself, 2) your family, 3) your community and 4) your country in that order and just move on with your life. It’s so much easier than being angry about politics all the time.
If the entire world outside of a couple island nations wasn't fucked by COVID, I would give this a shred of credibility, but the fact is that Governors control what the states do. We found out right quick that Trump couldn't tell the states what to do from Pelosi and the nit wit in NY so to blame all of this on the Republican party is at best a poor joke, though there are a bunch of idiots (mostly republican to be fair) who are still running around saying masks will kill you or make you more likely to catch COVID because they are idiots. There is plenty of blame to go around but this us vs them bullshit is annoying. The Social Dilemma is pretty on point about why there is so much animosity and how easy it is to get sucked into it for the general population. It's scary that you can have otherwise intelligent people believing shit that isn't true about others or parties in general. I would encourage everyone to watch that if you haven't already. This is coming from someone who is pissed that Trump is acting like a bitch. He should be including Biden on the meetings and ensuring a peaceful transition much like Bush did with McCain/Obama at the end of his second term but instead he's making things worse.
The governors came to the feds for a coherent response and were told to figure it out for themselves. Sorry, but the blame for COVID falls squarely on the shoulders of this administration. They had everything they needed to muster an effective pandemic response and failed to do so. I saw it first hand back in the spring, and I have a feeling I'm about to see it again with my next deployment. This isn't subjective: this administration fucked the pandemic response up in several ways that a competent leader simply would not.
While I agree that the "us" vs. "them" mentality is harmful, frankly, it's pretty hard to not just lump someone into the party line when claiming totally absurd things that come across as Fox News talking points, such as a bipartisan committee, involving the FBI, the CIA and a number of independent watchdogs, investigating foreign influence into our elections, is the same as the current administration's attempt to get legal votes thrown out. I figure I have a fixed amount of energy. I'm happy to spend some of that energy in good debate with people who have thoughtful opinions to offer. But by the same token, I'm going to look for markers that a conversation is futile. Gay marriage is one of those: I assume if you're actually against two adults entering into a consenting government-recognized relationship no matter what's in their pants, then you're not the kind of person who is going to have a reasonable debate with me (not directing this at you, toytoy, just providing an example). Another one of those is dropping totally illogical, not-based-in-reality talking points. I think it's reasonable to assume if someone is parroting something that doesn't even pass the sniff test, they probably aren't going to enter into a rational discussion supported by facts. Sometimes I'll be wrong, but more often I'll be right.
You have to admit the level which they are embarrassing themselves is a fittingly poetic end to his presidency no?
It would be more embarrassing if it wasn’t so terrifying. These people are openly against free and fair elections. Unless they win, of course.
so I just got the social finger from a dude putting up a massive "trump 2020/ stop the bullshit" sign. He was hanging it on the fence, or at least repairing it. Not taking it down. Maybe he didn't like my Biden hat?