And he was immediately called to the White House and yelled at, after which he released a statement partially backpedalling on his previous statement. The pussy.
He's out of a job in 50 days same as Trump. Why these guys continue to give in to him I have no idea. Maybe they get a cut of the grift?
They're all one tweet away from Trump revealing their corrupt behavior. He has a lot of them over a barrel. Especially Graham.
Remember that when the DNC was hacked for the 2016 election, the RNC was as well. Trump knowing dirt on his fellow GOP explains a lot about why they stay so silent on his garbage, even after he obviously lost. Graham has by far been the most sniveling little shit since Trump has gotten into office. It's gotta be more than just him being gay. Everyone knows he is already. Could be something pedo-related, but could also be something more basic like money crimes.
DOJ investigating potential White House "bribery-for-pardon" scheme donny had a ton of debt, and he's trying to pay it off
That makes sense, since there is no defensible or even HUMAN reason whatsoever for pardoning criminal shitpiles like Stone and Arpaio. They should be rotting in prison, it’s what they deserve.
Do you have a link to the statement(s) he made? I’m looking and I see that he was at a prescheduled WH meeting with other WH dudes. I don’t see the backpedaling part.
A Republican President is threatening to defund the military because he got made fun of on Twitter. Even now I struggle to believe that the timeline we're in is real:
Also, just a little light sedition by a recently-pardoned retired General:
Trump will try this in the end.
I suppose the hair jokes don't have to stop because Biden is a comb-over guy, too. So glad we don't have to say goodbye to hair jokes.
I wonder if The Onion will go back to their "Joe Biden the wild child" character:
Okay, but Biden has a slight hair insecurity like 50% of all men. Trump looked like somebody dropped a skull into a candy floss machine, which was then constructed into a dairy-swirl by a drunken dwarf balancing on a broken stepladder.
I thought he got hair transplants; isn't that why Rush Limbaugh always calls him "Plugs Biden?" If that's a comb-over, then it's pretty damn good.
I lasted about three minutes. Dude, your own attorney general said there was no evidence. Give it a rest. God, what a fucktard.