I'd be happy to see cruz argue it too. Then take him out back and do something I don't want in print to him. Ted Cruz is the biggest piece of shit alive, second only to trump. I kept thinking with all the blowjobs he's been giving the administration that he'd choke on a dick at some point, but I guess they were all too small. I'm pretty sure he orgasms just looking at a picture of himself. His picture should be plastered on every pro-choice poster with "We could have avoided this." It would be one of the few things both sides could agree upon.
A moment's pity for the IT guy at Parler who's going to have to work over the weekend answering the flood of subpoenas coming from the FBI.
Allen West called for secession pretty much immediately after the ruling. So it seems things are going well.
I couldn't understand how he actually believes Trump's crap is true, but then I read he was originally from Florida. Makes sense now.
Satellites are obviously getting fucked by the geo-storm. Only the Republican ones, though. Where the race was close and they lost. Not where they won. Ever.
If I remember he said something defending pedophiles or justifying pedophilia. But I can’t remember exactly what. He was just a full of shit chaos artist who’s only skill was making radical feminists angry while being flamboyantly gay. It’s a gimmick.
I honestly didn’t give a shit what he said. But I consider what happened to him different than some jackass who acts crazy in public getting caught on camera and losing their job. Milo’s whole career was being a controversial public figure. If he became irrelevant, that’s on him. No one took that away from him. On the other hand, I’m on the fence about all the Twitter detectives who the second a bad video comes out online, they are able to figure out the identity of the person and where they work in about 5 minutes. Blow them up and report it their employer. I think supremely shitty people should be shamed, but removing their livelihood so quickly without thought for what it does to the person is also shitty, especially when everyone forgets about it 3 minutes later. Milo can foh.
Oh God, fucking Parler. The founder was on the Dana Loesch show a few weeks ago. He said that he started Parler because he was tired of getting banned on Facebook and Twitter... Then he went on to describe all the different ways you can get banned on Parler... Alexa, what's the definition of irony?
The way these guys talk is kind of fascinating. They sound like comic book villains...."crusade, revenge, vengeance, justice, patriot" etc. I have a theory that is part of the appeal. I'm sitting here like "fuck, I want to join a patriotic crusade for vengeance. Who are we smiting and for what unforgivable crime?" "Uh...well, I guess....Democrats for um....being Democrats, and winning an election." "....." "And what's your plan for this? To defeat them in the next election by broadening your appeal, focusing on the elements of conservativism that can increase opportunity, address poverty and make America more competitive in the global marketplace?" "No, that's not the plan" "How about embracing actual liberty and reducing the prison population, ending the war on drugs and rolling back a lot of needlessly harsh and oppressive laws a la post-Franco Spain, with your potential Senate majority?" "No, we're not going to do that either." "....Is the plan shitpost on the internet, randomly assemble dozens of sad, fat guys in tacticool gear they ordered on Ebay to hold up protest signs and elect the scum of the fucking Earth without ever exercising a single critical thought in how you're being manipulated, lied to, and swindled by sociopaths?" "YOU GOT IT BUDDY!" Man, the only thing running an effective crusade against conservativism right now is this virus and their own stupidity. Fuck these clowns.
Is this what you're referencing? The interview where the former NRA spokeswoman gargles his testicles the entire time?
What the world needs is yet another angry social media echo chamber. I could not ignore that place harder even if it said “Starring Julia Roberts” over top of it. In the darker days of the internet a large-scale wahoo would be the only appropriate reaction.
At last, a MAGA position I can get behind. https://twitter.com/BilancieriNews/status/1337835480101122050