While he only has one eye. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t depth perception a big deal for skydiving?
I think the parachute is the biggest deal when it comes to skydiving. EDIT: Have any of y'all noticed that Kelly Loeffler's eyes point in two different directions? Jungle Julia brought that up last night, and now I can't unsee it.
Did you guys know he's a veteran? Because I can understand how you wouldn't pick up on that subtlety. And he hasn't tweeted it in the past 14 minutes.
He’s a veteran? No wonder he can skydive. Nobody has ever revealed the secrets of its craft. That video looked like a fever dream directed by Michael Bay’s make-up assistant. Will republicans actually look at this and say “oops, another clown duped us”? I swear I was expecting him to just air-drop into an orgy of naked, oiled-up gay dudes with armband tattoos and they would just start fucking each other violently for hours. Right in his eye-hole with those cocks. That was cringey beyond human recognition.
It would be a shame if Trump is homeless come January 20. https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/16/politics/donald-trump-mar-a-lago/index.html
evicted from public housing and becomes homeless. Just like the people he swears are moving in next door.
https://www-nbcnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1251500?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA==#aoh=16082228557498&referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From %1$s&share=https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/pence-publicly-receive-covid-vaccine-friday-biden-soon-next-week-n1251500 Joe Biden to get vaccine next week, publicly. I'm going to pull my pessimism out and shake it at y'all. I was just thinking about the potential shitstorm that we would land in if he passed away shortly after either shot, even just from something else. The man is 78 and this is 2020. Instant distrust in the only hope we had for normalcy, and political circumstances not seen in nearly 150 years. Sounds like a nasty recipe.
I love how I have a report showing up in my news feed of a nurse in Alaska that had an allergic reaction that was easily handled by an epipen. And yet the news is making it out like the sky is falling and raising concerns and fear mongering. And by “love” I mean “hate”. It’s depressing how stupid people have become with the access to instant info from outside their immediate surroundings.
We discourage gambling as a vice, but I honestly think we should teach basic gambling (blackjack/poker/roulette/etc) to kids. Playing games of chance, especially when taught how to evaluate them, really internalizes how probability and risk works, and how probabilistic decision making should be done. We'd see a lot less of this shit if people had an intuitive grasp of the numbers.
Hypocrisy thy name is "proud red stater" who picks quality New York merch when he thinks his constituents aren't looking.
But he was hacked! And the hackers did nothing but follow a porn star and that's it, as nefarious hackers are wont to do.
He and Chris Kyle taught me that Navy SEALS aren’t all as heroic or as big a deal as I thought they were. He’s an absolute fucking clown. Even Texas should be embarrassed of electing something that stupid.
Speaking of having elected someone stupid, Mo Brooks (R)etard-AL, has been joined by Tommy Tuberville (R)etard-AL in pledging to contest the congressional acceptance of the electoral college. Reminder that Tommy Tuberville doesn't know what the three branches of government are (despite being elected to one of them) and think that the United States fought against communists in WWII. Alabama is just batting a thousand here.
She's right, but a Texas Congressman picking New York Nookie over a Houston Hoe is just disrespectful to his district.
Tommy Tubberville's original claim to fame was the football coach of the Auburn Tigers, and as such for a period of time, he was one of the state of Alabama's highest paid employees, likely only eclipsed by the University of Alabama's coach at the time. He's a very junior Senator, and without his footbaw name recognition probably wouldn't have stood out in the crowd of Foghorn Leghorns in suits down there. I'm all for recognizing Trump's accomplishments at this point https://t.co/pElLRhpon6 but the GOP has to y'know....get to reality. Lewis Black's latest special on Spotify summed it up pretty well: we have two parties that exist in totally different realities. One of them thinks the election was stolen, despite their own party making incredible gains, outperforming expectations. They have yet to find or present any evidence of this, so....this is all based on what? Literally, what is the definition of a lie? Outrageous claims no one can back up should suffice.