"As of 2:20 pm: Both Houses of Congress are on lockdown. Capitol Hill Police report protesters have forced their way into the Capital building. They are requesting additional Law Enforcement support from Military and LEO in and around the DC area." EDIT: New shit, yay: "Members of the House and Senate have suspended their work and are evacuating the Capital. The Senate Sergeant at Arms has ordered the Senate chamber doors to be barricaded and has issued gas masks to members of Congress. US Capitol Police continue to attempt to remove protesters from the Capital. DC Mayor has ordered a citywide curfew at 6 pm tonight." From a work email. National Guard has been activated to support DC local police. I can't say I'll learn more as this....situation develops, but....well, fuck these assholes.
As mentioned before, I have a few pretty hardcore right wingers "friends" on FB that I mainly keep for situations like this. I want to know what these type of people are thinking right now. And they are fucking LOVING this. This somehow proves Trump was the legit winner.
I mean, guys, remember four years ago when Trump was elected and, like, ANTIFA did stuff and people wore pussy hats. That's basically the same thing as this, right? Conservatives are behaving exactly like the evil liberals, right?
Tweeting pics of Pelosi's computer screen unlocked, showing emails... from inside her office. WTF. https://twitter.com/ElijahSchaffer/status/1346905425543917573?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1346905425543917573|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=
I've mentioned this to friends, but I'm continually astounded by the difference in security for the President vs the Congress. You can't get within a mile of the President, but you can walk up to a Congressman in a parking lot and shoot her in the head. And now we learn that while you can't even get onto the lawn of the White House without a sniper putting his scope on you, you can apparently storm the Capitol building and start reading Congressional emails.
The police/national guard/whoever needs to shut this shit down quick and in a hurry. This is as bad, worse actually, than the riots that have been going on all year even if there hasn't been as much destruction yet. This is ugly and has no place in any society, especially not here.
This is one thing I really enjoy about laptops. Closing it does this automatically, so it's almost never an issue.
https://www.twitch.tv/woke?fbclid=IwAR0hvWqSkjSQoWpPLLHblLE3SBdy-k3COuhzgBUppufhmt6FZPvvVvyRh10 (From Nerds post) Bottom left is my city. Thankfully I don't work near there edit - was. they changed screens
D.C. National Guard reports directly to the President. The request to deploy them was denied. Shocking.
He must be just basking in this like its some sort of justification for his fraudulent election claims. Too bad we never really saw any of this coming.
https://twitter.com/GovernorVA/status/1346916716614451207?s=20 Nat Guard and 200 state troopers inbound.