Arrh Twatter, the moral compass of a generation. At last an answer to the question, "Does Twatter suffer from premature rejection?"
If y'all think it's censorship to ban Trump for inciting an insurrection but it's not to ban me for posting pictures of my dick on the hour every hour, then y'all are some hypocrites.
Maybe we just appreciate your honesty, knowing that it isn’t nearly long enough for every minute on the minute.
So rather than make a snarky comment, I am seriously asking how would you suggest we handle social media users who call for violence or illegal activities against the government or anyone else?
I thought he was already on Parler, but that he didn't do much on there. Also, speaking as a guy who has been banned from many sites for bullshit reasons, I don't have a lot of sympathy for his plight.
I mean, the Supreme Court has covered this pretty well - Plus, private business has removed Parler. And since the First Amendment is about government limiting free speech, it's kind of a non issue.
Honestly, I would say ban them. But there are millions of accounts across many social media platforms that cheered on and encouraged violence, burning and looting this summer that are still active. It has to be enforced uniformly, not selectively to gain virtue signaling points.
That sounds completely reasonable. Social media has become a cesspool. Cleaning it up should be unbiased and across the board.
This Twitter ban, while cathartic and fitting, kinda worries me. How do you think Trump will lash-out? Do y'all think he still has valid nuclear codes (if he ever did)? Do you think the military would listen to him at this point, if he decided to bomb ________? He's not the kind of guy to just shut up and take it.
This is why I'm nervous about the Iraq arrest warrant. I'd prefer not to give him even more reasons to refuse to leave or take all of us with him on his way out.
Apparently, there have been discussions between DoD and House reps on exactly that topic and keeping him away from that shit.
trump campaign twitter posted a "statement from president trump," was promptly banned as well. Think hes gonna get on @FLOTUS next? Barron's tiktok or something?
I remember way back in 1974. We didn’t even know who the President was, because Twitter and Facebook hadn’t been invented yet. Shit, most of us thought John Wayne was President, and the rest thought John Lennon was. Heck, none of us even knew we landed on the moon until 1987. If only we had some way, any way, to communicate.
Of all the things I worry about with this moron, a nuke strike isn't one of them. The generals wouldn't go along with it.
Fun fact, Nixon once drunkenly ordered a nuke strike on North Korea.
Maybe in a few weeks/months Iran will quietly sneak in a strike team overnight and take him out in his bedroom. It’s worked before.