I didn’t think the attempted overthrow of the government and assassination of the vp and speaker of the house would be so stupid. In a way I’m kinda glad it was. Another capitol police office died this morning. By suicide evidently, so I’m not sure if that’s related to all this somehow.
Anyone see the whole video where this "maced me" chick appears to wipe het eye with a towel, and buried in the towel is an onion? https://amp-tmz-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.tmz.com/2021/01/08/elizabeth-from-knoxville-accused-rubbing-eyes-with-onion-towel-maced/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA==#aoh=16102967630017&referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From %1$s&share=https://www.tmz.com/2021/01/08/elizabeth-from-knoxville-accused-rubbing-eyes-with-onion-towel-maced/
PGA strips trump golf course of 2022 PGA championship That's gonna hurt him. The money is one thing. The blow to the ego is the biggie.
I live about a half hour drive from this course. I think it’s a necessary move, but it’s a shame local businesses and employees of the course will suffer as well. Given the extra money the town has had to expend the last 5 years due to Trumps visits they might not mind too much.
Hey Nerd's, y'all have some company coming this week. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/t...-s-mexico-border-to-laud-border-wall/2524459/
I'm shocked but not shocked at how quickly Republicans are turning against their former leaders. They Censured Cindy McCain, they've been calling John McCain and Mitt Romney RINOs for years now. And now they are going after Swarchenegger. I think that the current Senate needs to impeach tRump if they want the Republican party to survive as anything other then a hollowed out shell. The 11 days (one Scaramucci) from now Senate will certainly impeach him but then the collaborators and insurrectionists burred deep in the Republican party will just tell themselves that it was Democrats persecuting their orange god/savior/cult leader and they will keep up with their efforts to break democracy. Personally I hope the Republican party tears itself apart and you guys get a proper left wing party to work with they very right leaning Democrat Party.
From day one of Trump's nomination, it was obvious (to me, at least) that they were ALL in it for themselves, individually... and were able to let Trump, an outsider, come into the GOP and run rough shod and do a bunch of things that long-term politicians would never do for fear of career suicide. They've always been able to distance themselves from him when it was no longer beneficial to them, and that has really come to a head in the last few days. Almost everyone, except for his followers, are cutting ties; from Fox to the GOP. And even then, individual Republicans are, I have no doubt, still evaluating personal benefits of continuing to support him... like Cruz, etc. Arnold's message is a very strong one... and should be heeded by ALL politicians and public servants... they need to start doing what's best for the country, not them as individuals.
Parking lot of the Alamo Steak House. Please let this happen. Just to clarify my above post, I meant that Trump was stupid.
When I read the article I did a bunch of googling to see if there was "The Alamo" and a town called Alamo right on the border where there is actually a wall in place. I still don't know the answer. But if Proud Boy derivatives start showing up they're going to be right at the Historical Landmark.
This incredibly loud minority has spent so much time telling themselves that they're the "silent majority" that they forgot what the silent majority actually looks like. It looks like them shrugging their shoulders and effortlessly expelling you from every communal space you've been polluting. MAGAworld is really struggling to comprehend the scale of the anger they have engendered.