He can be impeached even if he steps down. "You can't fire me! I quit." doesn't work when you commit treason.
Did some digging, and you're right: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-HPRACTICE-104/pdf/GPO-HPRACTICE-104-27.pdf Effect of Resignation The House and Senate have the power to impeach and try an accusedwho has resigned. Deschler Ch 14 §2. It has been conceded (in the Blountimpeachment proceeding) that a person who has been impeached cannot es-cape punishment simply by submitting his resignation. 3 Hinds §§2317,2318. As a practical matter, however, the resignation of an official aboutto be impeached generally puts an end to impeachment proceedings becausethe primary objective—removal from office—has been accomplished. Thiswas the case in the impeachment proceedings begun against President Nixonin 1974 and federal judge George English in 1926. Deschler Ch 14 §§2.1,2.2. President Nixon having resigned following the decision of the Commit-tee on the Judiciary to report to the House recommending his impeachment,further proceedings were discontinued. H. Rept. No. 93–1305, 93–2, Aug.20, 1974, p 29361.
DHS Secretary Chad Wolf is resigning today, with FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor to serve as Acting DHS lead. "Unfortunately, this action is warranted by recent events, including the ongoing and meritless court rulings regarding my authority as Acting Secretary." I wonder if he'll be employable after this.
"I am resigning from my job based on a Federal Court's decision that I was never hired to my job in the first place."
You can't get organic food in prison, who knew? https://twitter.com/MelissaBlasius/status/1348740338827939841
I guess he’s still PMS-pissy that he can no longer separate children from their families. Perhaps instead of resigning he could do something more constructive, like having skinheads ass-fuck him to death with a broken golf umbrella. The fucking guy was a lobbyist for over a decade. Try to find a shred of humanity in him, I dare you. What was that about ships and rats again?
And while we’re wondering if Trump’s worst cronies will be hireable after this, Forbes is leading the charge to make sure they won’t be. Lie and act like a piece of shit, get flushed like one.
It’s absolutely beautiful. No more pussy-footing around with these cocksuckers whenever they shout “Fake news” and then skate away. You lied, you’re terrible, you’re fucked, lie in the bed you made.
I liked his statement, flat and to the point like he always is. There was no “agenda” or platform to it.