I'd bet good money his fellow jail "buddies" are already giving him jokes/thinly veiled threats about that O-face he seemed to have in every single picture.
Interesting... I just learned that the Capitol building has it's own Cell coverage... as in they use the same tech as cruise ships, so that any cell phones within their immediate surroundings connect through their internal, private systems... that is so that they can then provide cell service to all areas in the building, including the basements/etc that would normally not have such service. That being said, they now have highly detailed logs of whose cell phones were where within the building... from bluetooth beaconing, to wifi triangulation, to cell phone service... even if you didn't connect or make a call, they can take all of that info and now call your cell phone company and get details of who you are, where you live, and, duh, your phone number. This should make for an interesting few weeks/months as they go through all of those logs. Ironically enough, the Patriot Act will make it easy to do.
I'm not religious, but I try to be somewhat sympathetic to people who are. Life has it's difficult moments and we have to deal with our own mortality. I'm becoming less and less tolerant of it lately because of shit like this. Religion should be a personal private thing and has no role in government. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/11/opinion/josh-hawley-religion-democracy.html
Hawley deserves to be a pariah in every sense. Fuck him, feed him fish heads. He’s a dangerously insane retard.
I couldn't read that because it's behind a pay-wall (poor New York Times, not getting enough revenue in the digital age!), but I've got a good enough idea of what it's saying. Fuck Josh Hawley, and whatever demons he's got inside of him. I'm really hoping his career is trashed, but with the way that the Republicans have things gerrymandered, I think we'll have to be dealing with him for awhile. But what do I know? I predicted Trump winning this time last year.
So we will see another 2-3 high level resignations this week, as the shit storm continues. If there are any further protests, per the FBI report, Trump will face increasing pressure to resign, or be impeached. There simply is no appetite for a repeat of DC's events at the state level. It's amazing the spine some of these cunts magically find in the last 2 weeks of his presidency: from Graham to Bolton, where were these balls for the last 4 years?
Here’s an...interesting read. the original letter is below all the red text https://nyegop.org/2021/01/10/a-let...IVZ4YAhdunt0GRJh5HxS4O319p9iFF65rHZSI5XjsyEuI
Except that is an act of war that is easily proven. 1st world powers may train "revolutionaries" to go forth and attempt a regime change in 3rd world countries, but they never send in their own. The potential repercussions of attempting in another world power are far too great. To do so in another world power would quite possibly trigger a global conflict
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/co...Igcf7tXTrTtHDweWnTUQJgAdmKTjrTjD5U#blogHeader Apparently, treason isn't a healthy look for one's "business empire".
Now they need to get to work on censuring/expelling every elected politician who went with the “stolen election” horseshit. They are complicit in the Capitol Riots and don’t deserve to be public servants. Speaking of complicit, upwards of 20 Capitol police officers have been suspended for aiding the riots. Let’s see where this goes. Im also loving the fact many of the rioters are getting identified by their own relatives. Even their own loved ones want them in jail, that’s how much they suck.
https://mobile.twitter.com/speakerpelosi/status/864522009048494080?lang=en Stuff like this, right? Or totally different. Anyways, I read some of this shit in this thread - use of words like treason, insurrection, etc and wonder what you all think is about to happen? We spent months watching cities burn and people getting killed on the regular and many of you same people couldn't even bring yourselves to even refer to those as riots. Nobody is going to be convicted of capital murder, nobody is going to be tried for treason. That isn't realistic - the Capitol was bombed twice in the last 50 years and nobody faced charges of treason yet suddenly this is the case? I find it unlikely it will stick. Furthermore, as I don't read the news or twitter regularly, I'm still confused how we arrive at thise being a coup or an actual attempt at overthrowing the Government? This looks and sounds like pure rhetoric to me.
[/QUOTE] Furthermore, as I don't read the news or twitter regularly, I'm still confused how we arrive at thise being a coup or an actual attempt at overthrowing the Government? This looks and sounds like pure rhetoric to me.[/QUOTE] Maybe you missed the part where a bunch of people stormed the Capital building, maced and beat police officers, and broke in to force Congress to overturn the election results. Explain the rhetoric to us.
Is it 100 percent that those entering maced and beat them and that, in a very heated moment, while completely unprepared, the officers didn't Mace themselves and inadvertently strike the officer adjacent to or in front of them? There is no doubt they had no business entering but beyond trespassing, theft and destruction of property there is some definitive evidence needed.
They were armed and they killed people. They had home made napalm. Just go watch the video, because they live streamed the whole fucking thing themselves. The FBI is reporting that they have collected some 100k or so videos of the event so far.
Yet it didn't burn? You can't say that for Target stores in major metros this summer, can you? In any case, my point is that the likelihood of charges approaching capital murder or treason sticking are very low. This will be plead out. Look back at the politically motivated bombings of the Capitol in the 70s and the charges that stuck.
Are you asking what I think should happen or what I think will happen? If you're asking what will happen, the answer is: The House will impeach Trump tomorrow, with a large number of Republicans voting against it. McConnell won't rush back to conduct the trial, so it will probably happen during the Biden administration. Republicans will get up on their high horse about "divisiveness" and the absolute rank smell of their hypocrisy won't be noticed by the Republican base, which probably lost its sense of smell to COVID anyway. Elected Republicans will obstruct Democrats in any way they can, as is the norm, and they'll continue to wink to their base about how no election in which a Democrat gets more votes should be considered legitimate, as is now the norm. We will experience the occasional right wing terrorist attack as one of these loons takes Republican rhetoric just a bit too "at face value", but it will be closer to the Troubles in Ireland or Years of Lead in Italy than it will be to the Civil War in the United States. The bulk of the Republicans' anti-democracy agenda will be conducted, as it has been, in the state legislatures. Democrats for their part will try their best to govern, while dealing with a constituency that is increasingly absolutely fed-the-fuck-up with Republicans of all stripes. The crazy Republican uncle at Thanksgiving will now be the "I don't give a fuck if he's family Grandma, he's not invited into my home. Period." uncle who is not at Thanksgiving. The traditional Republican tactic of working the refs will increasingly be met with "fuck your feelings." Welcome to the world you have built.
I like how you casually toss in the fact that you haven't been following along with the topic that has you all confused. Perhaps if you looked into the topic you might not be so confused?
This is the funniest fucking thing I have ever read here. So, the coup attempt (ie, an attempt to seize power illegitimately by in this case overturning an election by force, through the planned kidnapping and execution of members of Congress) was fomented by lies about Trump losing the election, which for 2 solid months has flopped along without a shred of fucking evidence, and this went all the way to the Supreme Court. Yet, you need evidence that people being outed and arrested for breaking into the Capitol were violent ad used mace? Not to mention the pipe bombs delivered to the DNC and RNC offices, or the countless other threats being lobbed by various far-right groups who believe Trump without any evidence. Nah, man. There's evidence aplenty. You either choose to ignore it or simply aren't accepting reality. Either way, it's a waste of time trying to convince you that what happened last week was unacceptable. Target and the US Capital building are not on the same plane of importance and security, especially with the $700b/year military we fund to protect us from ALL THREATS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. A riot in a Target over injustice, murder and a lack of corrective action and an attempt to overthrow the US government are not equal, and never will be. But, hey, remember who was in charge, and therefore responsible for both of those events?