Ten Republican Congress members voted to Impeach. I feel like they should, without having seen who they are, form the core of the future Republican Party.
My point, which so beautifully went over everyone’s head, was that anger robs you of critical thinking and distorts your memory. If you’re gonna argue that both sides aren’t angry, congratulations because you just directly proved my point.
I don't object to you saying I'm angry. I am angry. I object to you saying that I'm so stupid I can't see things that are right in front of my fucking face, recorded on video, and chronicled in every form of media in the country.
...I do not recall every posting that you’re stupid. I think I’ve said explicitly several times that this is a riot and a coup and that everyone from the president on down should be charged. Are you so blind with rage that you think everyone to the right of your position is the enemy?
If your point went over everyone's head maybe it is because you didn't actually have a point at all. I think that everyone who supported tRump and voted for him in November should express if and when they stopped supporting him and his treasonous behaviour. I think it is a fair question to ask because I think it is reasonable that in November they would have never expected what followed. But if they acceptor approve of what followed they are the problem.
For everyone posting, here's the scenario: It's January 21st. The Democrats hold the trifecta and Biden is president. Trump is, correctly, impeached and presumably will be found guilty at whatever trial they hold. The people who rioted and broke into the capitol buildings are being charged with whatever crimes are most appropriate. Everyone agrees that the last three months have been a chaotic mess, and you need to move forward. What do you do, if you were magically in charge? How do you get this thing back on the rails and not drift closer to civil war?
I posted that link about anger distorting memory and decisions. It seemed appropriate, given the tone of this back-and-forth, and wasn't put up as a gotcha for either side. It's telling that you and Aetius had a screaming fit over it and assumed I was somehow insulting you or saying the riots didn't happen.
You posted an article to make a false equivalency that everyone here who is angry isn't remembering things properly. And then you get shocked that there is pushback.
Since you’re answering with vague stuff that isn’t accurate, does this mean I win? I think it means I win.
We are still dealing with an entire political party who refuse to admit the election was not fraudulent. Yes we can impeach after he leaves. It means fuckall and has little to no consequences. You have an entire political party except for Romney who looked the other way at what was obvious to a lot of people would result in a violent climax. How can Dems come to the table to discuss anything with people who aren’t even living in the same reality?
I posted an article that suggests anger distorts thinking and memory, then Aetius accused me of calling him stupid (which I have not), and they said I have been putting words in his mouth (which I have not). So yes. I think I win this round.
Excellent question. I personally have no idea. That’s why I asked...I don’t see the way through this.
I'd be comfortable with taking the death penalty off of the table*. I feel like that should be a decent reconciliatory gesture. *except for the guy who murdered the cop.
They have to clean their own house if they want all the trumpists and qanon people to go. You have this gaggle of dipshits within the dipshit umbrella that are dead set fucking around and being unserious. They need to remove their own people.
I've said this before, but the Republican party has to be the one to reach across the line. The Democratic part is a moderate party (especially compared to your Canadian political parties). Republicans spent the Obama years being complete obstructionist, and when they regained control of the government went with the 'fuck your feeling' style of government. They were hypocritical (see Amy Comey Barret v. Merrick Garland) and antagonistic. They haven't shown any interest in unity for over a decade. This is exasperated by the fact that they are a minority party that has maintained control via the unique election process the US has, and voter suppression. Some of the Republican party is calling for unity, but it seems rather disingenuous when when the majority of Republican congressmen/women voted to object to the certification of the election results. Unity won't come until there is accountability, and I doubt that republicans take any. I think at least the next two years will be a very turbulent time in America, and expect to see quite a few right-wing terrorist events.
Impeachment of Donald Trump now directs to a disambiguation page on Wikipedia. "I want to know about when Trump was impeached" "Yeah that's not specific enough, gonna need you to narrow it down."
If I was in charge, I'd focus on COVID, the economy, fixing our perception on the world stage, things like that. Then let the AG do his/her thing and let the prosecutors do their thing and make sure they have all the resources to do their job to the best of their ability, but not meddle in their jobs in any way. I think trump and all his shithead followers and enablers have done enough to put themselves behind bars for a long time, or at least in civil litigation hell to the point of financial ruination. And that's just with the information we know currently. I can only imagine what will be uncovered over the course of discovery and depositions, forensic accounting, things like that. No need to push this one way or another. All these fuckers are just stupid enough to make sure they get what's coming to them.