I love at the end that is says she's concerned about her job as a real estate agent and hopes she has a career still. Honey, that's the least of your worries.
Yes, and no... odds are that's all that she knows how to do or is qualified to do. So many real estate agents are hot chicks with no other skills that parlay their looks/charm into sales... and they can make good money at it. It's all about image... fancy car, designer clothes, etc. If she lost that career, she's fucked.
It seems to be the career outside of show business and divorce lawyers where the person feels the need to plaster their own image everywhere. Their face is on the billboards, in ads, on their business cards.
In a weird way, it's one of those careers that's like a high school popularity contest or student council contest for adults.
It's also popular for women returning to the workforce after having kids when they're the primary caregiver, and their previous career either doesn't support having children by choice, or by necessity. That demo also includes single mothers who might have trouble not having a flexible work schedule
My point being that it's predominately people with minimal skills or experience that can get a license in a couple of months without any real education or other skill. My sister graduated university with a degree in Anthropology and, go figure, couldn't find a job... but she was able to get a real estate license easily so she could help my mom until she figured out what to do with her life. (I tend to think about that shit BEFORE doing 4 years of "education"). She then went off and took a crash course in how to use computers and became an office assistant at a properly management company.
I think the FBI are arresting innocent people. Pretty much none of them look like the person we see committing sedition. No proud patriot would try to change their appearance in shame, right? I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that 95% of them are altering the looks that they’ve bee obviously been keeping for years on end.
Messaging went out after the fact suggesting people shave so that it's harder for them to be identified.
Too bad they also didn’t get the word out to “Make sure your loved ones don’t think that you’re assholes!”
It makes more sense now why those murdering mongoloids from Biackwater were pardoned, because Erik Prince paid for them.
It's why Betsy "blood money" DeVos quit over tRump not hiring Blackwater, I mean Xe Services, sorry I mean Academi war criminals to run his coup attempt.
All those names, why not just call yourself “Legalized Terrorism For Hire” so people know what you really are?
Well they were probably taking advice from the same guy that Richard Spencer took advice from when he decided to name the Alt-Right because conservatives were uncomfortable hanging out with Neo-Nazis.
Twitter is going nuts. Smoke from one of the buildings in the area if Capitol Hill and everything in lockdown for “extreme security threat.” It may actually be a dumpster fire, which is so on brand for 2021 that I can’t even laugh at the irony.