For God's sake...Are we going to have another 4 years of this bullshit? Rep. Marjorie Greene files articles of impeachment against Biden
The hilarious thing is she meant to file it on his first day in office, but couldn't figure out how to actually file paperwork because she's a total incompetent who doesn't belong in Congress.
She’s a Q-tard and a COVID denier. Fuck whatever she says or thinks, blacklist the bitch until she resigns. People like her are why Jan 6th occurred.
Oh, I knew this was coming. Start expecting this every four years. Hell, expect in a year or so when Biden resigns for "health reasons," or whatever they're going to call it.
I mean, reps introducing articles of impeachment is a pretty common occurrence in the last century. Most just don’t go anywhere because it’s just grandstanding. On a different note:
Where are all of the super-spreader articles about the inauguration? I'm shocked, I literally cannot remove my shocked face that I haven't been subjected to more fear porn relating to inauguration day spreading COVID. 14 days, right? Or does that only apply in specific situations?
Texas realtor who took chartered jet to DC went there because of a "cute guy." That guy ended up with another woman. Hope the sedition was worth it, cunt!
We all know we can't trust where mumbles jr. puts his mouth, don't we? I know, I know; this is different because....reasons....:
Let’s post a few photos of Tulsa. Like when everyone in the entire building mixed like pigs intentionally and Herman Cain still wasn’t fertilizer. Give me a fucking break already.
People endured 4 years of your nonsense and little more than 24 hours in, the complaints have begun? tsk, tsk.
So people traveling from all corners of the country, through airports, to attend an event in person; staying in hotels and dining out isn't a high-risk activity or series of high-risk activities? Christmas was less than 30 days ago and in many States people were warned against (maybe threatened?) small gatherings of family, were they not? Tell me when I am not reciting the bullshit reality the media and politicians have foisted upon us.....I'll wait.
Are you really unable to see the difference between seeing someone giving their dad a hug when he's being sworn in as the FUCKING PRESIDENT while everyone else is masked/distanced and some dipshit who willfully takes their mask off as soon as they walk into a Walmart? If you are, then you're making some bullshit false equivalency because you're angry over...reasons. Election results, Trump left the Republican party a smoking crater, QAnon was really about the friends we made along the way, pick one. I'm sure I missed some. If you aren't able to make that distinction, then wewlad this country is in trouble if there are 74 million more just like you.
There are enough of them that the country is fucked. If you're young and smart work on obtaining a skill that you can use to emigrate to a non fucked country.