I get what toytoy is getting at. Imagine the media storm if Trump and Melania tried to walk into the Whitehouse after the inauguration but the doors were locked. The media and celebtwitter would've went ape shit. With Biden, you almost have to search for the story. Or Schumer completely botching his speech saying Trump incited an "erection" after saying Trump's name wrong.
I'll freely admit if I'm wrong and I'm not good with legalese, but doesn't the "...all persons in Federal buildings or on Federal lands" mean everyone thereabouts is required to wear a mask? I've re-read it several times and it still appears everyone is supposed to wear a mask. And re-reading it once again along with what you wrote....apparently it falls upon the department heads to enforce the mandate? Is that right? Why didn't department heads follow the directive to enforce the mandate when the Biden clan was blatantly ignoring it ? Why did the media ignore it for the most part? If I'm missing something please let me know. Y'all have changed my mind on issues before, but this one seems pretty black and white.
Maybe I've forgotten the three branches, but I don't think Judicial is behind him? Not just because the Supremes lean right in balance, but they should be impartial, and not behind the Executive branch at all.
If he's following it to the letter, he should be wearing a mask inside his bedroom at the White House. Again, it was a moment, with a family member who the media and opponents had unjustly destroyed during the run-up to this, in the context of being inside a city that was turned into a virtual fortress during the Inauguration with distancing and sanitation measures unlike anything the trump administration had ever seen, or used. I'm sure Biden will make plenty of mistakes worth of scrutiny and shaming, but imo this is not one of them. I mean, at least he wasn't wearing a tan suit or anything. Fuck, that'd be awful.
I get what you're saying... but the exec order he signed was NOT "everyone on fed land will wear masks from this point forward", which is an easy, but kind of non-technical and incorrect interpretation. What they are saying is that they now require the heads to enforce the following of the CDC guidelines, including all persons on Federal buildings and Federal lands. The order demands that they take action to enforce it, which is technically different than actually doing it. I know, it's splitting hairs, but such is legal-speak. On top of that, the key shit isn't in that quote.. .and that's the CDC guidelines themselves. That is what has to be enforced, and it's much more complex than "everyone wears a mask at all times". For all we know there may be a clause in there saying "the president can do whatever the fuck he wants", which makes him following the guidelines. Are his guidelines different? Fuck yeah, he's your President. He can fly anywhere he wants on Air Force One. Really, this is NOT about getting everyone to wear a mask, in my opinion... it's about making it law that everyone has to follow the mandates. It's empowering the CDC in a time when Fauci and other scientists have been fighting for credibility, and they've been ignored and mocked by elected officials and their followers. I think it's to stop the "masks are my choice" crowd in the only place they can really enforce it, federal buildings/land. "Stop fucking around and start wearing masks". So yeah, again, I get where you're coming from... the boiled down take away is "wear a mask", but in the end, it's not technically correct. It's probably one of those "shit, those are some bad optics we left" moments... but I honestly think it's just a small fuckup while everything else they've been doing has been in line with what's been asked. Debates? Wore a mask and socially distanced. Fought for plexi separation. Inauguration itself? Social distancing, and staying within their bubbles. That one pic is the only one I've seen where they've not toed the line, at least that I'm aware of.
I'm not quite following you here. President Biden was photographed with his children and grandchildren at the Lincoln Memorial not wearing masks after he signed an EO requiring a face mask on all federal property.
No, he didn't. That's my point above... that's not what the EO said. That's how it's being interpreted, but that's not what it said.
I posted that before I read what you wrote, but I'm still confused by RoTN's take. Then again, that's normal. As far as what you wrote, I hate to boil it down to one simple statement, but...Biden enacted a law with no teeth that can be ignored at will? That's not helpful in addressing our problems at all.
Once again, am I missing something? He issued a mask mandate for federal property, but it's up to the heads of the departments to enforce the mandate. Is that correct? Or was it just a suggestion?
yeah you’re right. The EO basically says follow the CDC mask guidelines if you are a federal employee who is on duty/on site, all on-site federal contractors, and anyone in federal buildings or on federal lands. so about those CDC mask guidelines they’re supposed to follow — yeah, they’re slightly “open for interpretation”
I was referring to the picture of him hugging his son, which I thought was the issue. regarding the other one, I haven’t seen that specific picture. But I just linked to the CDC guidelines they’re supposed to follow, and they’re “broad” in the same way Lizzo is “curvy.” also, I saw that you took a pot shot at me above. Please don’t do that. I’m just trying to help here. Everyone would be better off if the CDC was more clear about this, but alas, maybe they will be in the future...
He did not issue a "mask mandate", he said "you must now follow the CDC guidelines". That is not the same thing, at all.
From what you've linked, he signed an EO saying that people on federal property should follow CDC guidelines and it's up to the department heads to enforce it. And they're not enforcing it, so it's a non issue. Basically a toothless, virtue signalling, worthless piece of legislation. Pretty much what I expect from our government.
I'm gonna be honest. The current guy not wearing a mask feels downright quaint and whimsical compared to the last guy having to settle fraud lawsuits over his fake university right around the time he took office. Oh well. To-may-to, To-mah-to.
People may think I'm being pessimistic about America's future. Watch this video and tell me how you're going to deprogram these people. Fox News, Newsmax, OANN, and conservative talk radio aren't going anywhere. Democracy is doomed at some point in the future.
I don’t know why you guys are nitpicking about this, that virus been gone since Wednesday, I think I heard it on NewsMax. I’ve been giving strangers big ol’ sloppy unity kisses.