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Elephants and Jackasses...

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Nettdata, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. SouthernIdiot

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2017
  2. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Couple of thoughts here:
    1. As the media figures out that Biden won't generate as many clicks as Trump, you'll be seeing a lot of this sort of thing. Right now, Biden is getting the same level of attention as Trump, but he's boring so it'll wane quickly.
    2. As Trump's former staff try to stay relevant/get a job and can now openly discuss the tard circus without fear of retribution, many of them will now have a lot friendlier relationship with the media. They'll share all sorts of dirty laundry.
    3. As investigations roll out, this sort of article will become very common, as evidence collected for some of the various lawsuits leaks out.

    The Trump show isn't over, it's just historical, and some transparency on the shit he pulled is one way to de-radicalize some of his followers. The more folks that realize he was just straight up lying to them, the less accepted it will be to double down and cling to the cult. Also, Trump has bullied people for 4 years, can't anymore and is extremely vulnerable: no press machine, no Twitter account, no fundraising mechanism, and no loyal friends in DC. Anyone who hitched their wagon to him and has come to regret that decision is now adding to that vulnerability. There will be a lot of shitty book deals with faces of the administration trying to whitewash their role in the shit show to have some hope of a political future. Now that any discussion about Trump is one-sided, a lot of folks in DC are going to try and get theirs.

    The whole "Biden wasn't wearing a mask thing": doesn't this feel like you're searching for something to be mad at?

    You're not wrong, it's not a good look. But, taking a look around this motherfucker, if that's all you have to be upset about....I have larger issues with members of my government inciting, fomenting and defending sedition and overturning the election, who are still not being held accountable and continuing to spread the lie that the election wasn't valid, than the presidential family being photographed without masks. Hell, I am annoyed at some of the ham-fisted approaches to "diversity and inclusion" taken by this administration already. For me, there's too many people dying, too many people imprisoned, too much suffering and too little being done by our government to actually serve those people to give a quarter cup of fucks about whether or not someone at that level is wearing a mask.
  3. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    It's just the first day; give it time.

    • He canceled the Keystone Pipeline already; which I really don't understand other than to say he wants to continue to be dependent upon ME Oligarchs for energy, I guess? I'm sure there are some union pipe fitters somewhere that would like to have a word with mumbles on this.
    • He is sending forces back into Syria already as well; no surprise, he is a Neoliberal after all, they are all pro war.
    • He is allowing China back in to the US power grid as well; based on the how he manages his money laundering schemes, it's no surprise that China is going to have more say in US governance going forward. This is his graft - out in the open. Half the country supports this graft but didn't support the Trump graft. It's all graft, all the time from Government though, don't forget that.
    • He is suspending immigration rules put in place by Trump; Amnesty is likely back on the horizon. That may be palatable to a certain section of the voting public but it is likely a 50/50 at best. Texas has already filed suit - take that for what it's worth.
    • He is affirming men will be allowed to participate in women's sports (that's how the media will spin it) - not that I care, I know some people are bothered but I don't watch women's sports and this is someone else's mess to worry about.
    Back to COVID for a minute; I can go over to the COVID thread and read page after page of hyperbole about this whole thing. How irresponsible people are, people wishing ill will - even death on others for not wearing a mask in public. Now, we have a President signing EO after EO, including invoking the wartime powers over this virus, at the most public event of his Presidency removing his mask for a picture and hugging bare face to bare face with people not in his immediate household? To quote POTUS 46 here - "C'mon man!" I have a feeling though, we are about to turn a corner on this virus - the WHO has now changed the threshold for a positive COVID case. So, suddenly, the big headliner over the past year, Cases/Infections, are about to drop precipitously. So, the media either chooses to say that this is a deadlier virus because now the CFR figures will jump up or they ignore the virus - it will be interesting to see the approach. Additionally, Biden is sending some strange mixed signals here. He thrashed Trump saying Trump doesn't have a plan to get us out of this but he did during the campaign. He signs a lot of EOs mandating new requirements and then goes on to say that there is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of this thing? Strange. There are two vaccines in place and a delivery system to boot. We have done lockdowns and masks but now we are going to do more masks via fiat and then tell the public none of it matters, 'rona gonna 'rona? This doesn't sound like the restoration of competence I have been promised. Ron Klain is unsurprised.
    #17023 ODEN, Jan 23, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2021
  4. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    This is the most bewildering thing he’s done out of the gate. There was no reason to do this other than to play Climate Crisis politics. Studies by the Obama Administration showed that there was no negative impact on CO2 emissions and that tanker or rail transit of the bitumen extract is far more harmful, which is now what is going to happen anyway.
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I am personally looking forward to this and think it will be hilarious. It already is. Because it’s a lot of people still can’t accept male superiority when it comes to physical genetics. Well, learn the hard way. Maybe when a genetic man literally kills a woman in a contact sport, I get to unleash the biggest “I fucking TOLD YOU SO” ever to the idiots who think that men and women are anywhere close to being “even” in sports.

    And look on the bright side: it could make the WNBA watchable on TV, instead of just you being dragged to it by your girlfriend like it’s a country music festival.
  6. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    Because I can't help but pick these scabs. There is a large part of the country having a good laugh at the Alphabet bois and other Feds pumping insurrection/sedition. If this were planned or coordinated the Capitol would be in ashes - anyone with common sense can see that. This looks and smells like another Federal power grab - reaching for a Domestic Patriot Act. The insurrection on election day that didn't happen? I recall the media and democrats printing more of their currency - fear - in promising violence planned at all 50 State houses. It didn't happen. Now the Government is under armed guard in the Capitol - in fear. If half the population doesn't trust the vote and the newly elected Government fears the other half of the country, what is left? What is the path forward? Dickheads like James Clapper coming out and proclaiming people who question the Government, question the election and have diversity of beliefs as enemies of the State is not a step in the right direction unless you intend to Govern behind barbed wire until the next election when you are voted out. Shouting down the opposition and proclaiming people as domestic terrorists and white supremacists isn't going to carry the day; a hearing on purported election fraud and closing that chapter might be a smarter approach, unless they fear that too.
  7. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Why doesn’t one half of the country trust the vote? Where might this mistrust have come from?

    Also, why does an insurrection have to be successful in order for it to be taken seriously? Just because the gravy seals were largely a failure doesn’t mean they weren’t trying their best. Some were sure as shit ready to take a few members of Congress hostage and/or kill them. Attempted murder is a crime too. You don’t need to have to accomplish the full act in order for a crime to be committed.

    As far as calling people racist when they are being racist? The only people who seem to be up in arms about it are the people being racist. The fact that no one specifically was being called out but a lot of GOP were like “STOP TALKING ABOUT ME LIKE THAT” was a huge self own.
  8. SouthernIdiot

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2017
    There was a mix of people involved in the insurrection at the capitol. Some were clueless people misled about the election, some were racists wearing shirts proudly proclaiming their racism. Some were misled by the Q nonsense including the poor lady that got shot.

    The was no widespread election fraud period. Even Bill Barr said so for fucks sakes. Republican officials who voted for him in AZ and GA said there wasn't any. Watch the video I posted. Most are spouting complete nonsense like "Biden couldn't draw a crowd so there was no way he got 81 million votes." Or repeating the "Trump was winning PA when I went to bed and then there was a massive change overnight" ignoring the reason why that happened. There were videos telling everyone there was going to be a "red mirage" because most state legislatures wouldn't approve early counting of mail in votes. That was massively stupid in the middle of a raging pandemic.
  9. SouthernIdiot

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2017
    I can't tell if it was directed at me, but I'm not part of the "Biden wasn't wearing a mask thing."

    I agree with you on diversity and inclusion policies. Wanting to make the country less racist is great. The way the administration is approaching it is absurd.
  10. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    They didn’t fear it because it isn’t necessary. It has been investigated snd you have been told. It’s fucking OVER. Just like every other election, there is a winner snd a loser snd there was no fraud.

    Let it. The fuck. Go. And as far as shouting people down for being terrorists and white supremicists? Every single idiot at the Capitol, or who supported it in the least deserves to be shouted down, and DESERVES to be called a terrorist, a traitor and/or a racist, because that’s what happened, so that’s who they are. You’re a killer after you kill one person. Commit treason just once, you’re the same. Lie in the fucking bed you make. Every single person involved in January 6th needs to atone for it, and atone HARD. Just because it wasn’t a success doesn’t mean it wasn’t terrorism and treason— it was, at it always will be.

    If you want to start the healing process then imprison and blacklist all the idiots involved on Jan 6th who hurt your country in the first place. And those people are Trump supporters. They can only harm your country and nothing else. They had four years to attempt “unity” and didn’t bother to try.
    #17030 Crown Royal, Jan 23, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2021
  11. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Something I wish the right would learn is that they don't have a patent on anger. There's this repeated idea that "unity" and "reconciliation" always comes from placating the right, never making them mad, never holding them responsible for anything, indulging all of their conspiracies. Because if the right gets angry then we won't have "unity". If you think prosecutions of of those who participated in an insurrection and impeachment of the most criminal President we've ever seen will generate too much anger, but openly undermining the votes of millions of Americans won't, then all I can say is that you have no idea how much latent anger exists in the rest of us, and how thoroughly fed up we are. The right isn't going to be coddled the way it has been anymore, and the sooner they get used to that, the better off we'll all be.
  12. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I’m just eagerly awaiting Rush Limbaugh to go already. He better be placed in a secret unmarked grave because if I go visit, I’m going to bring a gallon water just in case I run out of urine.
  13. SouthernIdiot

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2017
    You might want to bring a gun and a wooden stake in case he becomes the undead. Because that would be on brand for him.
  14. GTE

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
  15. SouthernIdiot

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2017
    It proves he didn't have an ear piece, so he wasn't repeating something he was told.
  16. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    You're right, both sides are angry. I'm just pointing out how hopelessly intractable this situation really is. The left is angry, we spent 4 years hearing about the Manchurian candidate and proof of Russian collusion was right around every next corner for years. Democrats at least go their day to be heard; there were hearings and investigations. The right is very angry and Trump was a manifestation of that anger; the Republicans never wanted him elected, they were counting on another member of the Bush monarchy. They watched their candidate harassed from the moment he entered office's still going. They feel as though the election was stolen from them and nobody is listening, certainly not the media, as they for all intents and purposes, are just Democrats with bylines and the same can be said for social media - who literally silenced him. Yet now the reaction is they should just accept it and move on? I'm not saying either is right or wrong, it is what it is. That's reality.

    Now here we are, we have Joe Biden, who is nothing more than a return to the Obama policy regime and what would have been the same Clinton policy regime; which to some extent created space for Trump to be elected and will likely lead to another Trump-like individual running in '24. You and others are quick to point that the Republican party is shrinking and that may be true, more shifting than shrinking in my opinion because the party doesn't really represent the same people anymore (lots of overlap with D's) and they are starting to pick up groups cast aside by Democrats. The same is true for Democrats to some extent and we are already seeing the troubles that lie ahead for Biden. Case in point, look at the "erection" out West last night; that is a symptom of what's to come; Joe Biden being attacked from the left. He doesn't represent the same things that AOC does, he doesn't stand with the M4A crowd. He has the wolf by the ears and is going to have a hard time with those folks; at some point, he will lose them altogether because they are angry and probably don't feel represented.
    #17036 ODEN, Jan 23, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2021
  17. GTE

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    "You’ve followed a link to a page that doesn’t exist. Truth-O-Meter rating? True! Please use the navigation or search box above or try starting over from our main page.

    Don’t worry, we’ve notified someone that this page is missing."

    This is what I see when I click that link
  18. kindalas

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 19, 2009
    Ottawa Canada
  19. SouthernIdiot

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2017
    I just clicked on it and it worked for me. I have no idea why it doesn't work for you. Any idea Nett?
  20. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Fucked if I know... maybe the tubes are plugged up.