Biden fired Peter Robb and his deputy. That will no doubt make unions and workers across the USA smile.
You should bring a can of Copenhagen long-cut as well; that piss will dry away, but that tobacco juice really sticks around. Trust me, I've worked with plenty of guys who dip snuff. (This comment brought to you by a guy who listens to Rush Limbaugh every work-day.)
I would say that there are a lot of people not easily led but want to be led. They are also smart enough not to trust the media and Government right now. Just read the irony in this story - Additionally, this article was written on election day, read it before is gets memory-holed- When you trade in fear and lies, these are the reprecussions. What is the media really doing when only 46% of the public trust them? 56% thinking the media is trying to mislead them? Finally, 58% think media are more concerned with supporting an ideology than informing people? I would say that you have a captured and occupied Fourth Estate that is now the propaganda arm of a single party -
Those are some very real problems we have with how people are getting their news. Which outlets were the ones perpetuating the myth that the election was stolen?
I see what you’re doing. But in 2016, no one claimed an election was stolen due to voter fraud. That was the whole game this time around.
The highest Democrat in the land at the time had this to say - Stangely, she wasn't silenced by Twitter for it either. 538, who is held up as a god who can do no wrong by Democrats, sure couldn't outright say there wasn't Russian interfence and helped perpetuate what turned into a several-year saga, reports, investigations and hearings. I also see what you want to do with this issue and nobody gives a shit - 2016 the election was stolen by collusion, 2020 the election was stolen by voter fraud. You and everyone on the board that subjected us to YEARS of Russian collusion bullshit were wrong. Republican's stories of voter fraud are bullshit, they will never be able to prove that level of fraud beyond a reasonable doubt. Smart people don't believe either of you. You don't see me sitting here proclaiming voter fraud, do you? I laugh at those people just like I laugh at you after dragging everyone through the Russia collusion bullshit. The real point here is you and everyone else who will listen are being lied to by the media and the worst part is you keep listening to them. That goes for Republicans as well, the rest of us are stuck here in the middle between you two groups of rejects and just want to get on with life already. It's fine to have Conservative or Liberal values, we can all disagree and live happily ever after; it's when people start to believe they are part of a team and exhibit team loyalty that we have this problem. That is where we are - the media is on a team now and too many people are listening.
I think this is the part where you are misremembering or mischaracterizing what most of the Democrats were saying and you are also putting equal weight behind two similar ideas where there is not equal weight. First off, even in your Pelosi tweet, no one is saying the election was STOLEN. Influenced, collusion, targeted disinformation campaigns from foreign actors. We also didn't see the Democrats, or the President, or the losing nominee go on a 2 month spree of spewing vile shit to anyone who would listen. In 2020, it was very clear the message was, this election was STOLEN, there were fake ballots, there was voter fraud, there were machines that were tampered with and votes changed, there were dead people voting, there were ballets thrown out, there were ballets filled out for Biden not Trump. These two ideas are not even close to being the same thing, or carrying the same weight even though they both have to do with people feeling each election wasn't fair to their party. Severity of reaction is front and center.
Ditto the idea that opposing opinions hold equal weight regardless how uninformed one of those opinions is. A perfect example is any scientific issue that has been re-molded into a political issue. It infuriates me that I, who spent years studying science disciplines academically and have spent the past 30 years employing scientific principles and critical thinking in my work, am expected to seriously entertain the opinions of people who were either asleep or stoned throughout every science course they ever took, and/ or couldn’t spell Science if you spotted them the z and the q. I don’t care how arrogant it sounds, shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you’re even talking about, no matter how many YouTube videos you’ve watched.
Today it is looking like a NYT reporter got fired for tweeting about being exited that Biden was now President. A right wing fueled complain squad is responsible. In the same way that James Gunn was fired from Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Yet cancel culture is a serious problem caused by political correctness. You can hear all about it in any number of interviews with Hawley/Cruz/tRump supporters on Fox "news" but what they are really saying is that they are afraid of facing consequences for the first time.
So, this is how we want to do this? We are going to mince words? You are correct hijacking and stealing are two different but related concepts, both are criminal acts and both end in the same general result - loss of property of some sort but still different. Yes, one party spent two months spouting bullshit, the other party and entire media complex spent years spouting bullshit; again, different. So, in your opinion, which should be more heavily weighted and why?
One party supported insurrection and are a pack of traitors only out to get themselves power. The other party are the Democrats. You are saying that the Republicans are just as bad as the Democrats. You are saying that inciting violence, insurrection and treason is just as bad as the Democrats wanting an investigation into corruption and foreign political interference. These false equilivancies that you bring up all the time are showing exactly what kind of person you are. No one here is obligated to waste their time educating you because you feel like your opinions carry the same weight as the people here who know the difference between treason and not treason. There are a bunch of people here who know what they are talking about who disagree about issues and not a single one of them thinks that what the Democrats did in 2016 is even fractional like what the Republicans did in the two months before Jan 6th.
Accountability incoming! Giuliani sued for $1.3 BILLION by Dominion Voting Systems over false election fraud claims they’ve previously stated they have no intention to settle
The harder and more uncomfortable his ruination is, the better. Let’s this misery drive him into an early grave. It’s about time people woke up snd saw him for his true colours, three goddamn decades of damage later. People say he was a great MYC mayor during 9/11, well, just imagine how much better it would have been if anybody but him was the mayor.
I guess don't see the point of making comparisons between the Capitol Riots and Antifa riots one way or the other. They're both pretty stupid, but fundamentally different and it doesn't really solve anything. If I'm forced to put the two side-by-side, looting a 7/11 is just not on the same level as people storming the US Capitol. There is plenty of room to draw comparisons regarding the hypocrisy of the media and its coverage. But as far as impact and severity, there is no comparison. As far repudiating the violence, sure some of the Democrat leadership and party members had, at best, lukewarm responses to the Antifa rioting, if they were not implicitly (or even explicitly) encouraging it. I would argue, though, that the nomination and election of Biden is a repudiation of that and the worst ideas of far-left progressivism, of which there are a lot. His nominations and appointments have also supported that. He picked Janet Yellen over Elizabeth Warren (thank God). His pick to run the CIA, William Burns, has bipartisan respect and is perfectly reasonable. Biden has (lightly) repudiated the Green New Deal and court-packing, at least for now. Quickly looking at the entire list of people he's selected, the vast majority of them are not super far-left and don't appear to be ideologues. Maybe my interpretation of it is wrong, but it seems reasonable to me. I'm waiting for Republicans to have a similar and equivalent reckoning with far-right populists. And it wasn't obvious based on my posts, I usually lean center-right.
I think a lot of people forget that Obama was, by and large, a Centrist, and Biden has a similar bent. That's one reason he got the nomination in the first place... he's not too "crazy" far left for the DNC to stomach.
Obama’s drone bombings alone centre him. He also deported people at a record pace, not exactly a Leftist ideology. He also kissed the ass business and banks non-stop, and still does. It ha$ it$ advantage$. A classic Republican.