One of the main issues in more affluent areas of the country are NIMBY's. Liberals that say all the "right things", vote for progressive politicians but suddenly get the vapors when it comes to putting their money where their mouth is. Nimby: GOOD EDUCATION SHOULD BE ACCESSIBLE TO ALL CHILDREN!!!!1! Politician: Okay cool, so we are going to start busing kids in from the inner city and underserved parts of town to get those kids the same opportunities as yours. Nimby: BUT BUT BUT, Morgyn, Jasyn, and Madisyn shouldn't be the guinea pigs for these programs! My kids deserve safety and our property values and and and Politician: But you said... Nimby: lalalaICANTHEARYOULALALA And thats just for education.
The greater Sacramento area is nuts also. Lot of Bay Area transplants. We bought our house for $420k three years ago. A realtor called me few weeks back and said his clients drove by our house and wanted to make an offer on it. I just blurted out "I won't take a dime under $550k" He immediately asked when they could set up a time to come look at it. But then sanity kicked in and we remembered that we looked for this house for 7 months and there are no other homes to buy. I also know seven families who have already left or are actively in the process of buying/moving out of CA purely for political reasons. Two moved to Idaho, two to Georgia and three to Montana.
Because people fleeing the political and economic environments is mostly bullshit. It's almost entirely driven by housing. Boomers are leaving because they can cash in on their insanely valuable housing they paid pennies for years ago, and young people are leaving because they can't afford to own property without inheriting it. The housing issue isn't because of "liberal taxes" it's because of high demand, Prop 13 being a nightmare, and other extremely NIMBY policies designed to "protect" home values. The biggest piece is demand, which is why home prices are going up anywhere the demand flows, regardless of the local government.
Housing is a messy set of issues. I see a lot of it on the environmental justice side of things with disasters. All those homes that flooded 4+ times in Houston over the past 10 years with each hurricane: you think they weren't flipped? We catch heat because disasters disproportionately affect minorities. Well, guess who got sold homes/land in areas that are more vulnerable to disasters, especially flooding and hurricanes, often with no warning or knowledge of the risk they were buying....? Cost of construction is another one. Texas had a boom thanks to the illegal immigrants that basically kept the price of building new homes unnaturally low. Now that peak illegal immigration is over.... The notion of properties as destined to appreciate is another issue. The idea that a well-maintained home will never lose value is patently false, and we are, with a housing market that runs effectively like a ponzi scheme in some areas. It's a fucking mess of a system.
Well, no. You can't disassociate a housing market from the economic policies and political decisions that drive those policies. Otherwise, what would be the point of having a Department of HUD in the first place? OECD has published many detailed reports on the ties between them.
Sure but when someone decides to move, the range of options hinges on the price of housing, not the regulatory environment.
But people critique it like it's the result of the last 20 years of "ultra liberal" politics, when it's really based on shit like Prop 13 (passed in the 70s) and zoning laws passed in the mid 20th century.
Who knows? All we really have to go on is the anecdotes such as the ones in the CNN article. However, I'm not sure Gavin Newsom is about to face a recall vote because he's presiding over a utopia or because of laws passed in the 70s.
Newsom is facing a recall vote because the nutbags in Huntington Beach and elsewhere are mad that he tried to stop COVID. There's a reason he just threw up his hands and said "fuck it, go eat in a restaurant for Valentine's Day, I don't care anymore", and it's not about housing policy. They might have had some help nudging them in crazy's direction...
Yeah I know it’s not, it’s about shitty policy. COVID-related policies are included in the aggregate. Shitty policies which are apparently forcing the second recall vote of a CA governor in 20 years. I’d say that’s more realistic for why people are leaving than some law passed in the 1970s.
Then you're drastically underestimating the cumulative effect of decades of "the second largest city in America should be all single family homes with yards and abundant parking", and drastically overestimating the acumen of the crowd that elected Tito Ortiz to city council.
I don’t know about that specific city council, and I don’t need to because it doesn’t matter. I do know that people don’t leave a state and the ones that stay behind don’t trigger a recall vote of their governor because things are amazing. I’m sure the policies there work for some people, but clearly there’s a considerable segment for which they don’t.
The recall effort is Republican-driven Entirely about the pandemic They're doing the same thing in Michigan against Whitmer. In Ohio, where there is no recall provision, they just considered kidnapping DeWine instead. As we've talked about on this board, pandemic politics are batshit in the best circumstances; I wouldn't use them as any sort of guide to long-term politics within a state.
I always found it funny that it’s not just any MMA fighter, but the one who is actually most famous for being stupid.
Dana White, himself famous for being a meathead among meatheads, referred to Ortiz as "one of the dumbest creatures walking the face of the Earth right now". Not satisfied to call Ortiz stupid by human standards, White had to specify that Ortiz is stupid even in comparison to cows and turkeys.
Lou Dobbs' show has been canceled by Fox News. Remember kids, cancel culture is when you create a multi-billion dollar legal liability for your employer and they fire you (but keep paying you) as a result.
A republican in Arizona sponsors a bill to overturn presidential election results. Because fuck democracy. Fascinating read, based off of a report done by Rand.
first sitting member of congress dies of COVID I've read various reports that he got it during the Capitol riots, though I'm not sure there's anything confirming it