That seems like it was written by an autistic kid. No setup or punchline. Some of the Bee’s stuff is funny, though: But yeah, The Onion is amazing:
fucker should have stayed there Love the “fled cruz” moniker though. I’ll find it hilarious, and not at all surprising, if this is what does him in even more than the Capitol shit
Ruh roh, Shraggy:
Well, if you were presented with an opportunity to stick your foot in the collective ass of the people who denied you the highest position in your field through no fault of your own, wouldn't you do it? I don't know if I could, but I can absolutely understand why he would.
Can't say I'm a fan of the top lawyer in the land working a vendetta. Not saying I don't understand, just saying...impartiality seems far-fetched here. Couldn't Garland just like fight McConnell on the WH lawn, Lethal Weapon 1 style?
There's also probably an element that all judges, somewhere in their brain, hope to be a Supreme Court justice someday. Especially the ones on the track Garland was on. Having that dream killed in the most insulting way possible may put a tarnish on the whole judge thing, and he may have decided the time was right for a change.
Vendetta, prosecuting insurrectionists bent on destroying America, potato potahto, am I right? Seriously though, it can be both things. Frankly, I'd rather have someone motivated to do a good job than someone who wants to play nice. These people should deal with the consequences of their actions.
It was killed because Grassley is a corrupt hypocritical piece of shit. Another sample of the deflecting GOP slime that still festers through the party completely while pretending both sides lie chest and steal equally. They do NOT. I hope Garland tears them a new ass, deservedly so.
And also after he is confirmed, and holds the position for maybe...18 months, Breyer probably resigns, and then the same congress that confirmed him will have to then hold confirmation hearings again. "Appearing on an episode of the conservative “Ruthless” podcast, which debuted a month after the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death last year, Cruz said he hadn’t experienced “this much negative press coverage since northern California in the 1960s” — a reference to the joking online insult that the senator is secretly the infamous Zodiac killer. Cruz also referenced photos that circulated in recent days of his family’s pet dog, named Snowflake, seemingly abandoned at home while his owners absconded to Mexico. “I spend too much time on Twitter, so I see apparently I’ve literally fed Snowflake to the wolves,” Cruz said, going on to explain that the dog was accompanied by a sitter, “and actually the heat and power was back on.” This has to be him trying to win an award for worst person in America, right?