Jesus Christ.
That’s a goddamn hard read. I’d wager her career is over in a week, and her life is a miserable wreck in two, while Cuomo dodges bullets like he’s auditioning for The Matrix. Any takers? What a fucking disgrace. She took the high road writing that and she’ll still suffer for it.
I knew shit like this was coming. Dude acts like a giant douche in public every time he is actually pushed on a subject. He’s not having a very good month.
We are in the taint of history: creeping away from an asshole, but not yet cresting the hill to that sweet, peachy pussy.
So the stage at CPAC is in the shape of a nordic rune that's been prominently used by nazis since well... nazis. It was literally on the uniform in Germany in the 40s. Normally I would chalk this up as a coincidence, but these days? Who the fuck knows. It's so on point too.
You want to know why people would vote for vile people like Trump or Cruz or Hawley? This type of bullshit.
Any human being who won as much money as she did in a lawsuit and STILL feels the need to run their mouth on TV is mentally ill.
I think the right is ultra weird about trans stuff. Like the first thing they think of with trans people is perverts claiming to be a different gender in order to sneak into the women’s bathroom. It’s an incredible tell and obvious projection about what they are thinking about. But teaching literal children weird shit like what is being described in that clip is a great way to make reasonable people go to the GOP. Most people just want their kids to be taught normal stuff in school to get them somewhat ready for the world. Not where they fall on the oppressor scale. I’d be pissed too.
She has very valid points in that discussion. I see it here on the news. Teachers supporting grade 6 students protesting the 2nd Amendment because they don’t want to get shot in school. WE’RE IN FUCKING CANADA!!! There IS NO 2nd Amendment!
I get the objection to the ridiculousness, but the pearl clutching is a little much. Acting like this is the first time schools have ever taught kids fucked up shit, coming from the generation that grew up being taught slavery was just black folk and white folk having picnics. Spoiler: Officially approved by the State of Georgia
It's 100 percent the wrong way to teach acceptance of other people. Hell, it does the exact opposite which is the point of my post. It's driving some people to vote for would be fascists because they feel they have no other choice.
It's not the objection to it, it's the effect it will have on people that concerns me. Nothing good can come from this idiocy.
Ok this I don't get. Even the most over the top caricatures of the left are still better than the reality of the right. Like "I had to vote for the absolute worst fucking people this country had to offer, if I didn't I would have had to explain to my kids that some of the things their teachers told them are kinda bullshit."
If you feel that your kids are being wrongly cast as a villain or being confused about their sexuality by one side some will vote for the other side. That's human nature.