Jesus, is that photo real? I’m surprised Subway isn’t trying to hire him as the new spokesperson: “Hear me out, folks.... for the new advertising campaign, we go even MORE pedophile that last time.”
Oof, he's in trouble. He went on Tucker Carlson and here's Tucker's post-interview reaction: The most sympathetic audience he'll ever get and the reaction was a pretty clear "yeah, I'm not sticking my neck out for this idiot and his weird alibi."
I’m going to Florida in I think about a month and unfortunately the people around where my parents live and socially interact are of a certain... political inclination. They all have to be shitting fucking bricks right now. I’ve hunted with some of these crazy ultra right fuckers. Had them in my house (not since covid, they don’t believe in masks). Escaped with my physical safety despite having anything other than fox on tv. I’m legit surprised my phone hasn’t blown up from one or two of them asking me if I know who set him up. Theyre a special breed of crazy down there. And the more wealthy they are, the worse it gets. btw we’re still cool with climate change as long as it drowns Florida right?
Pro Publica posted a report of the 50 year consequences of climate change, and while it's not great across the board, Florida, Louisiana, and the Texas coast are completely fucked. The convergence of rising sea levels, storm surges, humidity + heat, and declining crop yields.
If you look at what actual scientists were saying at the time, they didn't miss the mark at all:
please tell me you have a link to that. Because given the elevations around here, I might be in for some beach front property. the nearest city, our “sky scraper,” the Tower of America’s, was built for the 1968 world’s fair and dominates the skyline. I live about 45 minutes north of that and am several hundred feet in elevation above the top of it as the crow flies
The tl;dr I took from that map was: Gulf Coast is fucked every which way, Texas agriculture is going to get dick-punched, Arizona will be an unlivable hell but it kinda already is so maybe they won't notice, and Vermont is where to buy land.
the tl;dr I took is that if you don’t vote for those who support climate change prevention measures and you live in one of those areas and care about your children, you’re a goddamn idiot
I don't know much, but I know that "I'm not the only one onscreen who's been falsely accused like this" and "remember that time we went to dinner and I brought that girl? Your wife was there too" is some real cover my ass or else type of thing.
Also: If any of this is true, great job outing your father as an informant in an active investigation. And after all he did to clear those DUIs for you.
I guess I dont follow politics that closely as this is the first time Ive seen this guy talk. My only take away is that he seems to be the same species of lizard person that Gavin Newsom is.
You mean to tell me that the only member of Congress to vote against a sex trafficking bill in 2017 is accused of sex trafficking?
This is a savvy way for Perry to comment.
In today's "an idiot sees the light" file.