I think you might even see an increase in republican turnout. Hell, some the people that stormed the capitol didn't vote in the 2020 election. I know several republicans that didn't vote, not a single democrat that didn't. I also think a large enough percentage of republicans didn't vote for Trump in 2020 that it made a difference. I didn't vote for him either time. Last time I voted for a republican president, it was Romney. You think they'll make the same mistake again? They might, but...
I think they turned off a lot of voters with their blind support of Trump. And they literally accomplished nothing when he was in office. They could double down on being like him, but I don’t think it’s a winning strategy. And they are still fighting all the old culture war shit. I think that stuff works for some of the voters, but it’s not a platform. Trying to take away healthcare from trans kids doesn’t do anyone any good. Trying to exclude people from voting isn’t job security. They need to actually stand for something and not just trolling and obstruction.
I dunno, his most recent statement doesn't exactly inspire hope that he thinks the voting 'system' has been fixed.
For him to say the system works is to admit he lost at something. His ego won’t let that happen. Plus, it keeps his crazies around.
Trump's presence wont be felt in November, it will be felt in the primaries, where the candidates are the most vulnerable. The real question there is Trump's ability to direct donors and funding to candidates without Twitter. The 9 point Democrat lead will dwindle, I think the GOP just hasn't found a way to attack Biden that resonates. Funny how the Q Anon crowd is getting more quiet by the day...
I wonder how much his "subscription donation" bullshit is going to impact his base... never mind that he had to return tens of millions of dollars as a result. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/03/us/politics/trump-donations.html
HE PAID IT BACK?! REALLY?! I figured his lawyers, um, Giulliani would just say: "READ THE FINE PRINT, SUCKERS!"
Banks and credit card companies reversed the charges. You don't think he VOLUNTARILY paid it back, do you? lol
How is Joe Manchin so fucking useless? How? All he ever does is undermine the Democrats' negotiating position without extracting any concessions from Republicans in return. He talks about compromise and bipartisanship, but has not delivered one fucking Republican vote ever. He's a god damn barnacle on the ass of Democracy.
If the Democrats had a shred of foresight, they would understand that eliminating the filibuster will bite them back hard once the power balance changes again. He's protecting them against themselves, especially considering they haven't made the case for doing so. What bill on the horizon is so critically important that it warrants changing Senate rules and procedure?
HR1. The Democrats have one opportunity to prevent state-level Republicans from making it borderline illegal to vote for Democrats, and they're going to whiff on it.
And when the hardliners on the right criticized the McCains and now Romneys for not going full speed ahead with their agenda they are labeled extremist. It was all commentary on pragmatic compromise. The filibuster is just another area they don’t like that restrains them from ramming everything they want through uncontested thus they want eliminated (right on cue it’s Jim Crow racism! Predictably boring to tears), and still complain everything the Republicans do is only for the party’s power. I honestly think these linchpin centrist are just that more narcissistic than your average politician. Wield the pinnacle of power without being in the big seat.
Well what other choice do they have at this point? The Republicans have made it clear that they will not play ball on anything, and they are the ones trying to actively destroy democracy.
So now Giuliani’s woefully obnoxious, low functioning semi-retarded son wants to run for governor. Despite never holding office, being insanely autistic, and looking like an obvious victim of fetal alcohol syndrome. Back in the 90’s he was “The most obnoxious child on television” and was kicked off the Duke golf team for being too much of an asshole. THAT Duke. This guy couldn’t be a bigger clown if you wanted him to. And just look what he’s the fucking offspring of, to boot. Pick better heroes. For fucks sake. If there’s enough retards to vote for this fuckhead, Trump gets pardoned in New York instantly.
Florida billboard: Matt Gaetz want's to "date" your child love to see it. Only thing that would make it better is if it was paid for by a GOP person. Like tucker carlson.
Dude paid a guy who just got indicted on child porn charges via public Venmo and named one of the teenage girls in the memo for the transfer. Dumb even by Florida standards.
https://www.axios.com/global-economy-boom-growth-100e317f-2c0e-4465-8c18-2b13c2c1353d.html We've saved a ton of money, and the billionaires got way richer. We're expecting a boom when supply stabilizes and folks have the confidence to travel with ease, not to mention the mountains of PTO that just piled up, a hiring boom (capturing the folks who don't want to return to the office, the folks who will get hired due to the boom, and the additional workers needed to spend some of those trillions). This would be an ideal time in history to pilot some substantial changes, like Medicare for All, marijuana legalization, student loan forgiveness, etc. It's not going to happen, but if you have a big, progressive agenda, an economic boom is a good time to roll it out. As it stands, the only thing I think we'll see is tax increases to offset the trillions in debt Trump ran up, and Biden seems happy to add to.
It would be hard to pay for Medicare for all and student loan forgiveness if we continue to pile up debt. I think those are all good ideas, but only if you can show how it is going to be paid for in addition to paying down the debt. Here in California, marijuana legalization has not quite been the boon as thought. One reason is the cost of an ounce of pot in state, county and city fees and taxes is greater than the cost to produce and market the product. (much like cigarettes and booze). Hence bootleg pot in California is a problem. I think a Federal legalization and resulting taxation of pot would not be the money maker people think it would be. I do not think what President Biden is wanting to do is raising taxes as much as rolling back a bad tax cut in 2016. If there are no changes in 2021 the temporary cuts in the Trump tax code are going to start to expire and taxes will go up. Mostly on lower and middle class.