Well, they were obviously written on a Chinese keyboard, so they're going to do some DNA tracking there too...
This is all part of a ploy to create a pretext to write and pass even crazier laws to fuck with elections. This may all seem insane, and it is. But the state legislatures are trying to pass laws right now allowing them to overturn election results they don’t like. As the population gradually changes and republicans become a smaller percentage of the overall electorate, they abandon democracy with surprising efficiency. It doesn’t matter how wrong and without merit the claims of voter fraud are. We saw it last election. The republicans created doubt by amplifying the message of fraud and then said “look at all this doubt right now”. We need laws to tighten this up.
They should have printed all of Hillary's emails out and used them to build the wall since nobody can seem to get the fuck over them.
Schmary leftist internet commentators seem to be the only people bringing them up these days. Turns out Hunter Biden is the biggest piece of shit degenerate grifter in political nepotistic history. But orange man was so bad memory holing a legit story with national security concerns, that would have had the same media in mental meltdown if Trump’s kids did anything half as bad, is...well it’s memory holed so who cares? I do enjoy not having to see Twitter and news anchors frothing at the mouth 24/7. Even the tangential anxiety was off putting.
How effective do you think that will really be, though? Do you think the Democrat voters will just roll over and take it when when the Republicans start winning every election because of some alleged fraud?
In other news, have any of y'all heard about the oil pipeline that got hacked? I'd post a link, but I'm on my phone.
I’m not sure. One of the things about our election process is that it’s decentralized. Each state runs their own shit as long as it’s legal. Trump filed 60ish cases to fight his losses and lost all of the cases. But the thing about that circumstance was all of the challenges came after voting was held so not a lot could be done. Now they are trying to actually change the way the elections are handled at the state level. Allowing state legislatures to intervene in counting and overseeing the process in case things don’t seem to be going their way. These laws will be challenged in court but I’m not sure how much the Supreme Court will want to interfere in state court processes should they be appealed.
Happened a few days ago. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/securi...ussian-group-darkside-spurs-emergency-rcna878 Interestingly enough it was a Russian ransomware thing, and amazingly enough they've come out to say "woah, our bad, we didn't mean for it to be taken as Political Russian Hacking trying shut your shit down or anything... we just wanted cash".
Oh they're just thieves. Jared's the one wanting to set up backchannel communication and using his TS clearance for who knows what.
Michigan governor Whitmer wants Canada to share in our gas woes by cutting off 540,000 barrels a day from western Canada to Ontario, Quebec, Michigan, Ohio and Indiana.
How the fuck does iq45 still have this much sway with the GOP? https://www.yahoo.com/news/house-republicans-remove-liz-cheney-131809931.html
There is no hope for that party. They’re now just the dumb bitch who defends their abusive, cheating boyfriend.
From what I remember reading, the real issue with Cheney is that she wouldn't shut the fuck up about it, and refused to toe the party line. The GOP brass thinks they now have Trump where they want him: he need their infrastructure to get his message out, and he can be more controllable if he's reliant on them (see: everything Lindsey Graham has said in the past month) and they want to warm him up to the idea of being a focal point for the mid-term primaries. She, somewhat logically, disagrees, and is betting the more the election fraud is talked about, the fewer Republicans will turn out to vote next time, because at this point they are the only people listening to these human skid marks. Trump, fwiw, refuses to talk about anything but a "stolen" election. Why should she listen to, much less cowtow to, McCarthy at this point? Cheney's math is that Trump's popularity will fade quickly (and the more the GOP ties itself to him, the worse their losses will be, especially with years' worth of investigations to proceed uninhibited), and with her gender, age, family and name recognition, she'll stand out in the party no matter what. So she might as well angle for a Cabinet position in the next Republican administration or even an outside chance at running for President in '24 herself. The voting restrictions and obstruction that the GOP is currently doing won't age well either (again, just as likely to keep GOP voters at home, especially if they keep talking about a stolen election), so she figures the most polarizing position she can take to get national attention is still anti-Trump, and if that divides her own party, who gives a shit? It'll be a completely different set of assholes by the time it matters. Her other options are "Republican Senator from Wyoming" which might as well be a coronation: she doesn't have the patience and wouldn't want to make enemies unseating one of those two assholes (Barrasso and Lummis). Her next campaign slogan might as well be: "I'm not transgender, but I'll bet my dick's bigger than yours."
Even Republicans aren't so stupid as to think "this time we'll be able to choose which china the bull destroys."
I don’t get the all out canceling they are doing to her but it isn’t a hard math on why he still looms large over the party. Trump brought in more votes and more energy to the base than any of those crusty blue hairs dreamed was possible. Even though his brand of Twitter posting was insane, and probably a decent reason that helped his loss, his social media communications were light years ahead of the GOPs capabilities.